1; Anxiety

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AN; this is told in Anxiety's POV, thanks :D

edit: uh I wrote this before anxiety's name was revealed so I named him myself I don't feel like changing it so yeah




Thomas sat silently on the end of his bed with his hands covering his ears, rocking back and forth with tears welting from his eyes.

Prince and I were fighting again like always and it was upsetting him dearly, like always.

I felt bad of course, but it's been a normal thing between the three of us lately.

Just because it was now kind of a normal thing didn't mean that it was okay.

"You're making Thomas upset, Anxiety!" Prince yelled inches from my face with his hand gripping my collar.

He pushed me against the wall and held my there. His breathing heavy and sweat covered his face. He was really angry this time.

"I'm not the only one, Prince charming." I chuckled and brushed a loose piece of hair out of his face, he blushed ever so slightly. I smiled sheepishly, pushing him away gentle but firm.

Thomas yanked at his hair, almost pulling some pieces out telling us to shut up. I smirked at Prince who had gone over to Logic.

All I did was try and pick some fun with Princey and he got all butthurt about it and started going on about me being a "butt-face" and what not.

And it escalated from there and we were getting to the point where we would hurt one another.

Don't get me wrong I love fighting with Princey, but I wouldn't want his fist connecting with my face.

I know he probably wouldn't do that but the way he grabbed me by the collar just moments made me think he was capable of way more. And the thought of it made my heart beat faster.

Thomas had calmed down after we stopped arguing and called his mom for comfort. He was a momma's boy, which was cute I guess.

I pulled my hoodie up over my head and sat down on the last step of the staircase.

I wish I had something like that, I mean sure we have morality who was like a dad to us all.

But he was apart of of Thomas's personality. We all were.

But none the less I wish I had a mom. One who would comfort my anxious habits and thoughts.

One who would stay up all night with me to make sure I didn't have a panic attack. One who would love me for me.

Sure, you could say that Thomas loves me but I'm apart of him and that's just saying he loves himself, which it basically is.

I just wanted someone to love me. Just once.

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