9; Fighting back

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I'm glad you pals are enjoying my story!

Even though it's horrible and I'm halfing it, but thank you for your support!!! :D

Aanddd back to the story!

It's been a couple days since Thomas and I's argument. He hadn't taken the medicine at all and I hadn't bugged him.

I felt a little different inside, it felt fuzzy and hot. Was this happiness?

No, it couldn't be, Anxiety isn't happiness, Anxiety is all your fears and negative thoughts.

Anxiety is a pain that ruins you from the inside and out. Nothing more and nothing less. Right?

I sat numbly on my bed, wanting to cry even though I had no energy left in me to even try too.

"Alexander?" Prince called from behind my door, knocking quietly.

I sighed and picked at my nails, noticing that by right thumb nail was painted a bright heaven white instead of a dark.

How did that get there? Why was it even there in the first place?

Prince knocked again, calling for me. "Come in." I said loud enough for him to hear it through the thick door.

He walked in and made his way over to me and sat on the edge of the bed, "Hello Anxiety. Feeling okay?"

"I suppose I'm okay." I said with a shrug.

"Oh." He said softly with a small hint of disappointment. He looked at my hand noticing my single white colored nail. "You painted your nail white?"

"Huh? Oh n-no. It.. I just noticed it."

He smiled brightly and slicked his bangs back esaticaly, "Do you know what this means Anxiety?"

I shook my head unknowingly and licked my chapped lips. "What does it mean?"

"You're changing Anxiety."

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