6; Complications

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Dedicated to XxUndeadSavioursxX because I've corrupted her into being a fander, so please welcome them to the fandom you all! And LoggedIn101 because they're amazing and love my story (I think)


I will be calling Anxiety, 'Alexander' from time to time in the story. (thanks for voting people!!).

So if you ever wonder why 'Alexander' pops up you know why, but if you forget there's this too look back on!! :D

Everything is Thomas's mind seemed to go slower than usual today. It was a Monday after all but when someone like Thomas was never slow on a Monday.

The clock seem to tick every other second besides it usual every second tick. And the water seem to spill from the faucets​ like honey from a beehive.

Something was wrong with Thomas that was making him, his mind slow.

I look at Logic who is impatiently​ waiting for Thomas to call him out into the physical world but instead he calls for me.

I hesitate and Logic stares me down with a unsatisfied look on his face, "Go, Anx."

I nodded and faded away, phasing myself into Thomas's world. The physical world.

"Hey, Anxiety." He said sitting at his work desk he stood off from his chair and walked over to his personality, "we need to talk."

"Okay." I said crossing my arms over my beautiful black leather jacket. "What about?"

"Promise you won't hate me, Anx. Okay?"

I snorted and gave a giggle, "I can't promise that, you know that Thomas. Now what about?."

"Right." He nodded knowingly and slicked his bangs back tiredly, "Anyways, this.. this is about you, Anxiety."

"What about me?"

Thomas shoved his hands in his pockets and shoved his feet. "I want to take.. Anxiety medicine, Alexander."

I blinked slowly and took a step back, shocked at what Thomas had just suggested to me. "You.. You want to get rid of me?! I am apart of you Tom! You can't just do that!"

"Actually," he said walking over to his nightstand to pick up a bottle of medicine. Anxiety medicine. "I can and I will."

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