Chapter 2

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Stiles couldn't wait until school was finally over. He let out a big sigh and slumped his body on the cafeteria table. He watched as Isaac and Allison sat down together being all annoyingly cute and couple-y. He knew that now that Scott was dating Kira, Allison and him were friends and he was fine with Isaac and Allison dating but Stiles was most definitely not okay with it. I mean seriously the guy was living in Scott's home for free, Scott's mom took care of him and treated him as her own and he STILL goes at starts hitting on the girl that his Alpha was in love with. No, just no.

Scott didn't understand why he was so angry and Stiles wasn't really surprised. As much as Scott had grown and matured this last couple of months but he was still pretty clueless and oblivious about a lot of things.

He was glad that Scott had Kira and that Allison had somebody. He knew that their significant other helped them with the darkness around their heart and maybe that's why Stiles was so bitter. Because he didn't have anyone, sure he had his dad and Stiles and Kira had become close friends so he didn't feel like the third wheel when hanging out with her and Scott. But it wasn't the same, he knew that his friends were there for him but he couldn't help but feel so alone.

Stiles yawned while stretching his arms over his head and noticed that everybody was already sitting down.

Right. That was also something that happened. Along with his insomnia and sleepwalking he seemed to zone out a lot. He didn't tell anyone, he didn't want to give them another reason to worry about him.

Scott bumped his shoulder with Stiles giving him a big smile before turning back to his conversation with Isaac. Stiles gave Isaac a glare when the taller boys eyes met his and turned his head away when it looked that he was going to say something.

Stiles understood that Scott needed other friends, somebody who understood all the werewolf stuff but it didn't mean he had to like it. it's not like he was jealous at least not that much but he felt like everyone was moving on and leaving him behind. A part of him knew that it wasn't really true but a bigger part of him thought that they were, they didn't need him anymore now that no supernatural thing were popping out from the dark. He was just..there. They only tolerated him because he was their Alphas best friend.

Deciding that he needed some fresh air he got up and made up an excuse, something about needing to get a book from the library. He walked down the main hallway and saw coach yelling and Greenberg. A couple of kids were sitting against the wall and eating by themselves, walking past some class rooms he saw some kids in detention. Stiles remembers back when all he had to worry was about not getting detention from Harris, lacrosse practice and trying to catch Lydia's attention.

Deciding that he didn't want to go back and face his friends and questions about why he had left he pushes through the front doors. He squints as the sun light hits his face. He lets himself bask in the warmth before walking up to his jeep. Once inside he turns the car up and thinks about going home but he doesn't want to risk one if his neighbors seeing him and then telling his dad so instead he drives up to the eastern part of the Hale territory. To a place that he has barely gone to ever since his mom past away.

He lets himself get lost in his thought on his quiet trip to the cabin. His jeep takes a trail unknown to anybody else unless they could get past the magical barrier. Taking a sharp left he catches sight of the large cabin. Parking his Jeep he jumps out and slowly walks up the small path leading him to the dark wooden door. He pulls out a small key that he always carries with him and unlocks the door.

Walking in there without his mom always feels wrong. He remembers the old summers when his mom would take a day off from the library and his dad from the Station. All three of them would spend the whole day out here in the middle of the wood until it got dark. They would play in the wood, his dad would cook while Stiles and his mom would swim out in the lake. Back then Stiles felt an itch on his skin that wouldn't go away until he was deep in the water.

He loved the way his mother would put on her skin and transform into the beautiful creature she really was. Some said they looked like sea lions but her mother looked nothing like some ordinary sea lion. She was simply magical. She was a Selkie. Her skin glowed underneath the water, the color of ocean.

Stiles would have trouble putting on his skin and many times he would forget how to transform back into a human. His mothers laughter would ring loud and strong as she watched her little boy flap around trying to take of his second skin.

Stiles finger run across anything he can reach. He walks around the house until he reaches the stairs leading up to the attic. Making his way up he feels his hands slightly shake. He pushes the door open and makes his way inside. Walking through the old boxes he doesn't stop to look at anything, he knows what it is that's he's looking for. In the back of a room there a medium sized chest. There's a mark that matches the tattoo his mother had on her left hip bone

He brushes his hand across the top of the chest cleaning off all of the dust that has built up over time. Using the same key that he had opened the front door with she pushes it into the key hole. He opens the chest with both hands, pushing the heavy lid off to strongly and the loud bang it causes echoes from wall to wall.

He lets his fingers inside slipping through the mountain ash keeping any other magical creature from taking it and hold in to the silky material.

Pulling the Skin in one swift movement he sees his own skin so familiar to his mothers in his hands. He takes it with him down the stairs and out the back door and keeps walking into the woods until he reaches a stream. He follows the clear water and can hear the water nymphs whispering and talking around him.

He knows that they can probably feel that he's not completely human. Back when he used to come with his mother she always stopped and talked to them but Stiles being only half Selkie can't actually see them unless they want him to.

He keeps on walking until he reaches the lake and takes a couple of seconds to steady his breathing before stripping down until he's fully naked and wrapped his Skin around him.

Taking one last breath he jumps into the water letting the coldness and darkness surround him until he stops breathing altogether.

~I was in the middle of writing the chapter when all of a sudden I was all like "what if Stiles was a Selkie??" So yeah, he's a Selkie person thing now.


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