welp, its been awhile for this

183 24 14

So LunaTabbs tagged me to do des, so imma do it XD

So LunaTabbs tagged me to do des, so imma do it XD

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Do you have a crush?:

No, I have a bf. Literally have no more romantic attractions

Middle name?: I hate letting you guys know but eh, it's Sari [Sare-Eye]

Height?: 5'3

Shoe size?:

7 in kids, 8 in women.

Eye color?: Dark chocolate brown, almost looked black.

Last you cried?: Yesterday, about 2 times or 3

Biggest fear?: Being excluded and ignored and hated the rest of my life by everyone

Last song you listened to?: Bite by Troye Sivan

Last person you texted: emndem02

Favorite app? Lol it ain't Instagram I can tell you dat XD ( I don't have a fav app)

All are free to this!!!

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