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Ok. Well I have alot of big news XD

Anyway, first big news:

Remember when I spoke to you about about VASE. From what I've been told it's not a competition but I dunno how else to define it so imma call it that. Anyway. My friend called me because I left before I knew what rank I got in. She said I got into the top 4 ranks! I might be getting a medal. Including wolfwingle whom was also in the top 4 ranks so go congratulate her!!

2nd news, I got permission from Jaywing2003 and she said that we can share her devintart! I'm very excited because now I can see more of her secret updates -~- and also post some of my stuff on there so it'll be a joint account ahh so excited. So if you have friend who you know look at it, or you look at it. Check out her stuff. Hopefully if I figure out how it works my stuff will be on there shortly. Anyway, her devintart is called, exactly how I type it, jaywing1072

Now for the third news: this is the end of the chapter for my book. You guys have made it get so big!! * Puts hands on hips* alright~ who's stuffing muffins in-between the pages? XD thanks so much. So look out for my next artbook!!

Then fourth news: remember when I said I'd draw a picture for my followers? Well it freaking won't load!! Ehh so I hope I'll be able to post it soon because it's very emotional and means alot.

Anyway, that's all! Hope to see you guys in my next book. Stay pretty/handsome!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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