Texting Kota

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**For those that read my fic Girl Next Door, here's Sang's solution to her boyfriend dilemma. Enjoy!**

Sang: Hey Kota?

Sang: It's Sang...from the bookstore?

Sang: Victor gave me your number

Kota: Hey Sang, yeah I remember you. How are you?

Sang: I'm good...ish

Kota: Goodish?

Kota: Is everything ok?

Sang: Um...yes and no

Kota: Are you ok?

Sang: Physically, yes

Kota: And mentally?

Sang: Um...I think so?

Kota: Sang...I can't help if you don't tell me what's going on

Kota: There has to be a reason you texted me this late right?

Kota: I make a pretty decent friend given the chance

Kota: Promise

Sang: ....Um...

Sang: Ok...

Sang: So...I just moved into this new house, and I had this plumber waiting on my doorstep when I got home from work tonight.

Sang: He came and checked the pipes and told me I needed this work done. Then he asked if I was out here by myself, and because I don't need creeps thinking I'm out here all alone, I told him my boyfriend was coming home soon but then he accused me of lying

Sang: Now, I happen to think I'm a fairly good liar when I need to be, so I felt pretty put out.

Sang: I mean, I was lying, but how could he tell? He doesn't know me.

Sang: Anyway, he asked my boyfriends name, and I kind of said your name since it's the first one that popped in my head, and now I kind of need you to come over to my house tomorrow so the plumber guy doesn't catch me in a lie...

Kota: ...I was the first person you thought of?

Sang: Umm...kind of. I'm not a weirdo I swear. It's just that your name is...odd, like mine

Kota: So...you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?

Sang: Um...yeah.

Sang: I completely get it if it makes you uncomfortable though

Sang: I can figure something else out

Kota: I'll do it

Sang: ...you will?

Kota: Yeah

Sang: But you hardly know me

Kota: Yeah, and this way I'll get to know you

Kota: I know I did a really bad job, but I was trying to flirt with you earlier

Sang: ...I thought you were doing ok

Sang: At least until Victor started laughing and you sort of lost your confidence

Sang: You did better than me

Kota: You were flirting?

Sang: Well..no, not really

Sang: Never tried it before

Kota: Are you trying now?

Sang: No

Kota: Good, don't.

Kota: I like you like this...and how you were earlier

Sang: A complete spaz who gets tongue tied when talking to hot guys?

Kota: You think I'm hot?

Sang: *facepalm* can I take that back?

Kota: Only if you didn't mean it.

Kota: Did you not mean it?

Sang: No...

Sang: Yes...

Sang: What's the right answer?

Kota: Haha, don't worry about it Sang.

Kota: For what it's worth, I think you're beautiful

Sang: *and cue blush* thanks

Kota: Haha, you're pretty funny

Sang: Sooo not trying to be lol

Kota: I know

Kota: That's what makes it ten times better

Kota: Although, I'm not sure how you could get better than a perfect ten

Sang: Please, I'm far from perfect

Kota: Maybe...maybe not

Kota: Anyway, what time do you need me to be there?

Sang: The guy'll be here at 8, and I'll probably be up at 7, so anytime between then.

Kota: Great, I'll be there at 7:30

Kota: Don't eat. I'll bring breakfast

Sang: Oh, you don't need to

Kota: I know, but if I'm going to be your boyfriend it needs to look real right.

Kota: What's more real than us having breakfast together and getting to know each other better?

Sang: Ok I guess. I'll see you at 7:30

Kota: Sleep well beautiful   

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