Chap. 3 Why are you here...

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Joan's p.o.v.

he started walking to me and I got mad. Lloyd " hey long time no see. how have been." me " good. and there was something I meant to ask you. uh, oh yea, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" my voice echoed across the room. Lloyd " wow! take it easy. aren't you glad to see me?" me " NO! what you did was unforgivable! and you didn't answer my question." Lloyd " that was years ago." me " I don't care if it was years ago! OK! I don't care if it was centuries ago! you hurt me bad!" Lloyd " Joan I thought you forgave?" me " I didn't! I just got less angry about it! I told I didn't want to ever see again! and now! here you are talking to me!" Lloyd " Joan it was a mistake I never should have done." me " a mistake? A MISTAKE! well Lloyd maybe in relationships there shouldn't be any MISTAKES Lloyd!" Lloyd " uh Joan please stop yelling." me " NO! I will not stop yelling until you answer my question Lloyd!" Lloyd " Joan please." me " No! don't Joan please me! stop your crap Lloyd! just. just. ugh. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Lloyd " JOAN!" he got my attention. I looked around to see everyone stopped and starring. I saw Abe was coming my way. I simply walked off into one of the extra rooms. Abe " Joan? is everything alright? Joan?" I passed him and he turned around. a tear began to go down my face. as it did I began run into the room. I saw the door and using my powers slammed it shut and locked it. I think Abe was following me because I heard foot steps coming my until I slammed the door and they stopped. I sat in the corner in a ball crying. all the memories came back to me. I got this feeling in my throat. like there a lump in it. I always got that feeling when I cried. I heard everyone in the room begin to move again. I put my eyes over my arms and more tears fell down my face. after a while I began to fall asleep. my eyes were ready to close when I heard knock at the door. it was Abe. " Joan? are alright? Joan? please open the door." I wiped eyes and walked over to the door and opened it. Abe " Joan what's wrong. what did he do to you?" I took a deep breathe. " nothing." Abe " Joan don't lie to me. what did he do to you." me " it's really nothing. it happened years ago and it doesn't matter." Abe " well it matters to me. so tell me." me " I'm glad you care. but it's nothing... and if I was going to tell you it wouldn't be here. that's for sure." Abe " okay. then were would you tell me?" me " you know were I'd tell you." Abe " just say it." I sighed. " at home." Abe "do you want to go back home?" me " yea. I mean we only have work for... a few more minutes. so... yea." Abe "okay. let's go." we both made our way to the van...


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