tyler's dream

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tyler woke up in his room. he had that feeling you get after a very emotional night full of sobbing. his eyes felt droopy and tired. it was quiet and his blinds barely let in any sunlight. tyler decided he would sleep in. he couldn't face amee.

how could he cheat? he groaned and pressed his pillow over his face. rolling over, he returned to what he thought would be another blissful sleep.

it's a gravel driveway. he's standing in it. it's the kind of gravel that crunches under your feet as you walk. he hears steps behind him, getting louder. who is it? he can't look. he walks. the foot steps increase in speed and noise. he's running now. he's at a cliff. he jumps.
he's flying with the birds. but his wings aren't working and he falls and he's falling and he's-

he wakes up. he hears someone screaming far off. tylers throat hurt so much. it was as if he was spitting up the gravel that he saw in his dream, and it was scraping against the sides of his throat. wait. that was him screaming.
tyler couldn't stop it, he felt powerless.
why wasn't he falling short of breath?
the screams kept sounding out until all tyler saw was spots in his vision, and he was leaving everything, and everything went bla-

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