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Mabel's pov

We sat by the campfire while Johnny Toast and Ebony set up tents. Ebony seemed mad.
"Why couldn't we just go find them now?"

"Because I want to wait for Sir."

I looked around.
"Where is he anyway?"

There was a rustling in the bushes, and out popped Johnny Ghost.
"I'm back."
He looked like he was gonna barf.
"One second."
He went back behind the bush and I don't want to say what sounds came from back there.
"Okay I'm good. What's going on?"

"Well," said Dipper, "We know where your friend is."

"Good," Johnny Ghost replied taking off his hoodie which was covered in what I think was purple paint.

Ebony got up.
"Okay, Ghost is back. Can we go now?"

Johnny Ghost was still a little green.
"I think we should leave tomorrow. I still feel like crap."

Ebony groaned and went inside her tent. Johnny Ghost just shrugged and went to get something out of the van. He pulled out a bottle of something red and threw it at Johnny Toast who caught it and began to drink. Which made Dipper look like he wanted to puke in a bush.

"Relax," said Johnny Toast, "It isn't human. I think. Sir collects it and I've learned not to ask questions."

Dipper looked really freaked out.
"Are you guys, like, murderers or something?"

Johnny Toast looked away.
"It's complicated, where we come from the world is a bit... strange."
He looked up at the sky.
"It's getting late. You two should get home. I promise we'll explain more tomorrow. Maybe."

Baked For Revenge (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora