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(Johnny Toast pov)

About an hour later, Mr. Stan, Mr. Ford, and Sir burst into the room, carrying the twins and Gregory. Miss Annabelle and Jimmy were missing.
"Where are the others?"

Sir set the unconscious Gregory on the ground and rolled his shoulders.
"Fighting CBF."

Just as he said that, in burst Annabelle and Jimmy, both breathing heavily and covered in small injuries. Jimmy smiled.
"It's very dead now."

We all breathed a sigh of relief. Miss Ebony stared at Miss Annabelle , noticing the black blood leaking from a cut on her forehead. Thanks to the gnomes, we had managed to move the entire shack across town and directly under the weird pyramid... thingy. Now, Miss Annabelle was carefully waking the twins and Gregory, directing us all to certain spots on the strange ring of symbols. Dipper on the tree shaped symbol, Mable on the star, Ford on the six fingered hand, Stan on the strange... pac man... fish... thing, Wendy on what looked like a bag of ice, and Pacifica on... a llama? Those she seemed to know instantly, the rest us took her a minute. She turned to me first.
"Toast, stand on the heart."

I did as told.

"Ghost, the question mark, Gavin, the glasses, and Ebony...... you stand on the star."
Her voice caught a small bit as she said this, like she was about to cry.
"Now everyone hold hands."

We did as she said and suddenly, the circle seemed to glow. The light caught Miss Annabelle's face and she smiled genuinely for the first time since we'd found her. Next, she took the crystals we had collected before and crushed them in her hands and spreading them in a wide circle around us.
"Jimmy, Maxwell, Gregory, you three stand in this circle so you don't get hurt. Even though I don't know if you would be hurt since you don't technically have physical bodies but better safe than sorry."

Once they were safely inside the circle Annabelle touched the circle of crystals, setting it alight with blue fire. When that was done, she took a deep breath and stepped into the center of all of us, right on the image of Cipher himself. The circle glowed even brighter. It was strange, at this moment of intensity, the world seemed to slow down. My eyes found Gavin, and I smiled at him, he smiled back and my eyes watered a bit. I could have sworn he yelled that he was sorry. My eyes next travelled to Sir, he was sobbing heavily. I followed his gaze to Jimmy and Gregory, they were both so young, holding hands. They looked like genuine brothers, and suddenly Jimmy wasn't a psychotic murderer, and Gregory wasn't just a voice in Sir's head. My eyes swept back to Sir. It suddenly clicked in my mind and Sir was no longer Sir, he was Johnny Ghost, my best friend, my only friend really, my boyfriend.

A light expanded from the circle and burst through the roof of the shack into the pyramid. The bottom of the pyramid began to shatter and suddenly Bill Cipher was above us screaming in pain. He seemed to shrink as he descended towards us, until he was directly in front of Annabelle.

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