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Thomas sat at his desk, tapping his fingers against the desktop as he watched raindrops race each other down the window. This was a sad day, a dreary, uneventful day. Perfect for anxiety to pop his naughty little head in and say hello!

"You know you have like 50 things to do tomorrow, and your mom asked you to come clean out her attic" Anxiety let out a happy giggle as he leaned closer to his ear, "Don't mope, what if someone see's you through the window!" The laughing from Anxiety's mouth only got louder. Somtimes his job was fun.

In a split second the small evil puffs of laughters had disappeared. "What in fairy godmother's name do you think you're doing?!" Princey hissed in Anxiety's ear, his gloved hand covering his mouth.

Anxiety growled and pushed him away, "My job you brainless blitz, now can you leave me to it!"

Logic popped in quickly; Their fighting was goving him a headache, "Can you two morons stop fighting for ten minutes! Can't you see he's still heartbroken from Jon dumping him?!" Logan grabbed both of then by their ears, dragging them to Moralities room.

"Until you two stop behaving like you're 5 you'll stay in here!" Logan was rather grouchy. Patton walked in "Ooh are we planning something in here without me?" He put his hands on his hips. "Is it a surprise?! Is it a party?!" His eyes widened, "IS IT A SURPRISE PARTY?!" He squealed

"No!" All three said in a loud tone, making his face droop, "oh.."

"See look what you've done now Anxiety! You made Dad upset!" Virg growled, "This is not my fault you twit I was only doing my job and you have to fuc-"
"STOP" boomed Pattons dad voice, "Both of you, your rooms, lights out, I don't want to hear from either of you till tomorrow morning"

Logan stood opened mouthed, "Go before you two make it worse"
Princey sighed and ran to him room, Anxiety slugging to his, slamming the door and curling under his covers. He hated this, being stuck here, always blamed, always the bad guy. Why did this have to be his life. Why? Thanks a lot Thomas.

//Art not mine, credit to amazing artist x

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