Chpt. 1: A New Job

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I wake up, eat, get ready for work, go to work, go home, eat, go on the internet, and sleep. That's my typical week day. On weekends I do the same exact thing but, every once in a while I hang out with friends. This is my life, after a while it gets boring.

I'm Sarah Portmen, and I'm 18 years old. I live all by myself in a house I bought a couple of months ago. I admit it gets lonely and I tend to have nothing to do with most of my time. The world outside seems so much fun but, I don't have a lot of money so, I don't care. One day, I hope to get a better job cause the lousy job I have now as a waiter sucks. I already put in some job applications for some random jobs and still haven't gotten a word back.

I soon walk into my room and check my email to see if I got a job. After some reading, a new email came. I finally got a new job! This is what the email said:

Dear Sarah Portmen,

We would like to say that after looking over your application, that you have got the job as our editor. We look forward to working with you and if you have any question, please email me back.


Jason Stokes

Yes! I can finally quit my job as a waiter. Looks like it's time to go to the cafe! And soon, I threw on a hoodie and went to my soon to be ex-job.

When I walked in there were only a few customers. I then went to my manager's office.

"Sarah, what brings you here on your day off?" my manager asked.

"I'm quitting."

"Ok." my manager replied, and I left the cafe with a huge smile on my face. Goodbye cafe! I will forget you.

Looks like I have to move again. Well, now I'm finally out of the day to day pattern, for now. Time to start condo hunting. Then, I found a nice condo and plan to move next week. I wonder how life is going to be from now on...

(~* I hope you guys liked the chapter! Chapter 2 will be longer than this, I promise. Have a nice day/night! *~)

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