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Jacob left you the day after that for tour. He's been gone for 3 weeks now, you haven't done ANYTHING since he left, except for breathe, think,sleep, and cry. Mark's been trying to get you to come out of you room for 2 and six sevenths of a week now. You blocked evryone in your contacts except for Jacob, you looked at his instagram posts, tweets,and musicallys, he looked like he was having so much fun, but you could see the smallest bit of sadness in his eyes. He texted you every night saying " Goodnight princess" or " I love you so freaking much", but you just wished that you could see his face. In 2 days, he was supposed to come home! You decided to give in and go to Jacob's house. Mrs.Sartorius was like your 2nd mother. you walked in and immedietly felt warm, You walked up to Jacob's room, and layed down on his bed, whenever either one of you is sick, you both lay in his bed and watch Netflix. It was 1:00 in the morning, so you decide to just let yourself fall asleep, tomorrow you were going to the airport to pick him up. At 8:00 Mrs.Sartorius woke you up and you ran outside to the car. You hadn't seen "Baecob" in 3 whole weeks! you put on the sweatshirt you got at the mall that day that says, " Y/N Sartorius" it still smelled like him. On the way to the airport, you listened to his EP and singles. You got inside and heard flight 107 has just landed, you hurried over to the gate for 107, Jacob's plane you saw him looking for you, and you came up from behind him and jumped on his back and hugged him he realized who you were and you guys kissed, by now, people were recording it. you told him that you were never going to let him go again, and he agreed, he asked what you did, and you told him. You could tell he felt bad for leaving without telling you.

J: We should get going. Where's everyone else?

Y/N: It's just me and your mom, everyone else probably thinks I'm still in my room and have crippling depression

J: Why would they think that? They're your friends Y/N

Y/N: You probably don't remember me telling you this, but I can only really trust you and Mark. Everyone else is just not worth my time, they cause way too much drama

J: I remember that day very clearly actually, that's what i think of whenever i'm lonely, I remember you saying that you would always trust me and even if i did something stupid you'd still be right there to take the blame with me

Y/N: that's because whenever you get in trouble, i'm the reason why

J: That's not true there was that one time when....nevermind..... what about when.... oops guess you're right

Y/N: I honestly don't know what i would've done without you Sartorius

J: Why did you stop calling me Baecob?

Y/N: I don't know it got kind of old after 9 years

J: But I loved it cuz it had the word bae in it

Y/N: Too bad we're gonna think of a new nickname for you on the way home

J: Whatever you say Princess

You got back to his house in Reston Virginia. He saw his cat Cali ( Sadly enough he had to put Cali down before he left for his world tour) He picked her up and hugged her. You just laughed, Cali was hissing and was going to scratch Jacob any second now. Yup here it comes, Cali scratched Jacob on his arm and leapt away from you guys. Your mom texted you for the first time since Loren, asking what had happened while she was away. She already knew what happened before, now how to explain what happened after that? You decided to FaceTime her with Jacob there for support. She answered and said,"Hey Y/N I know things have been really hard for you lately, Mark told me that you sat on your bed not doing anything for 3 weeks, why?", "Mom you don't understand how much i lost when Loren died, we were basically the same person, and then after that, Jacob left, and I just.....", "Y/N why didn't you call your older sister, I know that she's been busy lately, but she always has time for you Y/N do you know how hard it was for her to leave you for college?" "Mom yes i do understand, but you're the one who probably wouldn't, after you adopted me, Ryan, and Loren, you broke up with "dad" you only wanted him for his looks, you've never experienced actual love, I love Jacob and you definetly do not understand that, because you're never home!" By now you were crying. Your mom just hung up the phone. You cried into Jacob's shoulder for what seemed like forever. He started to cry too, You noticed, and wiped his tears, and then asked why. He didn't answer you and pulled out his phone and showed you a video of him singing "We Got Us" by Daniella Skye (you always call him Daniella instead of Daniel) He was 7 or 8 probably 8. You got up and went home you just told him that you'd be back later. Your mom was waiting for you at your house. You were really scared to walk into your room, you knew that she was in there, you thought to yourself, Loren would want me to. You gathered up all of your courage, and took a deep breath before walking into your room. You were wrong, Ryan, Caitlyn (your other older sister) and your mom were all waiting for you.

Alright, so theres 975 words in this so yah I guess you could say it's kinda long

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