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*Y/N"s POV*

 woah! wtf! i just woke up in a hospital bed and...the fuck why are my friends here. Well, theyre all my friends except for..Bobby? Why would he be here? He doesn't like me at ALL. And..Jacob looks like he has been crying. "Jacob!Why are you crying" i ask "I don't think we should be together anymore" he says "why?" i say remembering all of the memories i have with him. "i hate to hurt you, but i have to be honest, Baby im just tryna be honest you deserve more than i can promise" he says, and im shattered, i start crying so hard that i cant see. Then, i feel someone pull me into a hug, honestly i dont care who it is, at this point,i just need someone to hug. I finally look up to see...him? I thought it would be Mark or Zach or even Cam, but...him? I hug him even tighter,Ive always had a crush on him. But, hes always bullied me. I missed the way his hugs felt. Before i became friends with Jacob and Mark, Bobby was my best friend. He was always there for me when i needed someone, and even when i didnt. I still want Jacob though, i love him, and the last thing i remember him saying to me was, i love you. "LIAR!" i scream. "You have everything i need and more you can always make me smile, laugh, and blush, but you've never made me cry! I loved, you and i still do! You're funny, smart, beautiful, and honest, and brave, and supportive, and unique!That's everything ive ever wanted, someone who treats me right, someone who loves me for who i am, not what i look like, and you ARE that person!" i continued. "seriously?" he says shocked, but still crying. "Yes..Sartorius i love you" i say,"Well, Beech i love you too" he said, "then why would you break up with me?" i say starting to cry again. "i thought i was the reason why you cut yourself" 'jacob said crying even more "why would i do that because of you..i love you" i say, "i love you too" he said, "will you take me back?" he added, "No, you said you'd never make me cry, but you did i don't trust you anymore. Maybe when i know i can trust you again then we will try" i say, he looks heartbroken, so i add, "we are still best friends, but i cant trust you with my heart". After that, he left the room with a defeated look on his face.Then, Mark came up to me and said,"I told him to do that, i couldn't let him cheat on you anymore", "what?!" i say in confusion, "y/n he's been cheating on you this entire time, but i never told you, because you actually love him" Mark said with tears in his eyes, "Come here Mark" i say, i could tell he was blaming himself for my sadness, "Do NOT blame yourself for ANY of this, ok, Jacob is just a fuckboi, that's how it's always been, i should've known not to trust him in the first place" i say as i pull him into a hug."y/n, will you go out with me?" Mark says.

Well, um...awkward...will you say yeet or nah(bruh if you understood that from the old magcon vines ily) Anyways...sorry for not updating since May 11th but,whatever more chapters will be coming soon since i got out of school on the 6th Word Count: 590

Never Be Enough(j.s.&j.b.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora