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I think somewhere between midnight and one in the morning I fell asleep because when I woke up we were at the rulers utopia.
"Well Charlotte did say it would be beautiful." Said Damon.
"This is where we're going to die. To me it's gruesome and morbid."
"To each his own." Said Damon.

The driver stopped the car and opened the door for us.
"Welcome to your home for the next few weeks. That is if you make it out alive." The driver laughed.
"Jerk." I muttered. Damon shot me a look.
"What? It's true." I said.
"True or not. If you want to make it out of this alive and in one piece you need to make people like you." Commented Damon.
"It's a proven fact that I'm an unlikeable person."
"well my brother sees something in you."
"He's just a pity friend. The second I come back home he probably won't talk to me again knowing I can't get picked again so he doesn't have to keep his promise." I said.
"That's not true. He adores you." Said Damon.
"I'm unlikeable. End of story."
"Ok." Said  Damon.

We walked to the front gates of a tall building. The driver pressed a button and the gate opened. We walked inside the building and something came over the intercom.
"Hello, and welcome to your new home." Said a computer voice.
"We're pleased to have you. The first test is tomorrow. Enjoy today while you still have it. Good luck." The voice was gone and we were all escorted to our rooms. Just before I closed my door I saw the girl from before, the one who was crying. Now her face was emotionless. Her eyes flickered towards me and I quickly shut my door. It's always weird enough to stare at someone. But it's weird enough if they stare back.

I placed my room
Until someone came to get me for dinner. I walked out and Charlotte gasped.
"Oh no hun! Please tell your not wearing that!"  I looked down at my clothes
"What's wrong with them?" I asked.
"You know what. Just sit down." Said charlotte. I sat down and ate thinking of how I would never have ended up having this much food at home. I thought about Matt and how he must be heartbroken that he has to choose between his brother and his best friend. Of course he chooses Damon. I folded my hands in my lap when I finished and waited for dessert.
The night went on and on. After dessert we watched the news and the replays of our families getting picked. Then we played some games. And lastly Charlotte tried to help us study. Eventually I gave up and just went to bed. Tomorrow was a big day. I needed my sleep. But I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night thinking about the academic portion of the test.

The next morning I walked into my bathroom to see an outfit hanging on the wall. A pair of tights and a spaghetti strap tank top. This couldn't be right. We wouldn't take the tests in pajamas. Oh well. I put on th outfit. Then Charlotte was there banging on my door.
"It's time to go!" She called.
"Ok." I called as I pulled my hair into a pony tail.

Charlotte led me, Damon, and the other boy and girl down a dark hallway. She stopped us in front of a series of doors and escorted us into separate rooms.


The TestsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora