Chapter 2

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Later that night, I sit still, not even fighting to move but instead wondering about what Snow wants me for. I'm pulled from my swimming mine by the sound of a grunte and moans as two guards appear, dragging a withering Johanna between them. They throw-as if she was a rag doll-her in the cell, I hear her body slam on the ground. She's shacking and there's bruises all over her body.

The guards laugh at her and walk away, at the very second they turned their back she stuck her tongue out at them. "Bitches," I hear her mumbe. I know this is a stupid question to ask but I do any way, "Johanna are you okay?" I ask. "Yes I'm fine." she replies sarcastically.

"Well what did they want?" I ask. "To see what I knew about the rebels plot," she replies. "Oh." is all I say.

"Peeta, they will eventually ask you too, they'll try and break you, and pry the information from you, that's why I cant tell you anything". She says. "Uh Johanna . . . Snow wants to talk to me tomorrow about something, what do you think it's about?'' I ask.

She sighs and shakes her head. "Honestly, I don't know, but I have a feeling it's not good," She says. ''Look we should go to sleep."

"Yeah, I guess." I reply and close my eyes.

I don't fall asleep, though. Just sit there with my eyes closed. I think about what what Snow wants from me. I also think about what Johanna told me. About how they'll torture me until I give them information I don't have. All I know is Johanna and I (I'm not goona incude Enaboria, sorry) being picked up and the other three victors being rescued by District 13. I start to think of Katniss and a smile forms on my dry lips, eventully finding slumber.

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