Part 2

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The bright lights were confusing to look at since one wouldn't know what to expect in the after life. Although the sounds of voices confused her even more as her vision became more clear with each passing second. She was able to move her body but it was rather difficult since it was pretty difficult for her muscles to get used to moving again.

???: Oh man! I can't wait to get back out there! I want to see how much as changed!

???: Physically, nothing has really changed. Although you will find that everyone will be quite welcoming.

???: I see... Hey! Since you're here,  do you wanna be friends?

???: *light chuckling* Quite eager to make friends, aren't you?

Finally,  after fully regaining consciousness and control of her body, she sat up to find you speaking to a green haired individual who was also bed ridden.

(Y/N): Morning!

The green haired individual turned to see her fellow Jinchuuriki awake, so she smiled brightly before waving at her.

Fuu: Hey! Glad to see you awake!

???: Where am I?

(Y/N): You are in the Hidden Leaf Hospital.

???: Hidden Leaf?

The blonde was confused as to why she was located in such a place, then the remnants of the war have flooded in almost instantly. She grabbed her head in pain until it faded away to leave her worn out.

(Y/N): Here.

The blonde looked up to find you standing next to her bed, holding up a glass of water. She lightly blushed when she realized that you were giving off a gentle smile.

???: Thank you.

Fuu: Hey Yugito, guess what! This is actually real! 

Yugito: Real?

Fuu: Yeah! I don't know how but we're alive!

Yugito was doing her best to cope with that fact although it was rather easy to get used to once again.

(Y/N): I know if may be difficult but it's the truth. I was able to catch all of you before you even hit the ground.

Fuu: I never did get to thank you for that~

Ignoring her advance on you, Yugito blanked out for a few seconds before snapping back into reality.

Yugito: May I have a moment to think?

(Y/N): Of course, I need to report to the Hokage so I'll return shortly.

Yugito: Thank you.

Fuu: Hey can I go with you?

(Y/N): No, you need to rest up just like the others.

The green haired kunoichi lightly pouted but you simply ignored it and left the room to report to the newly appointed hokage. As she laid back in silence, she began to have thoughts about roaming the village to explore what it had to offer, especially when those thoughts also involved you accompanying her.

Fuu: *in thought* ... He is well... Ermmm... Hot...

Back With You

Shizune: Welcome, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Good morning,  Shizune. Is Kakashi here?

Shizune: Yes he is, I'm on my way up there right now.

The both of you made your to the Hokage's office while enjoying a small chat with each other before reaching the destination. Opening the door,  you found Kakashi in his seat as he let out a big sigh from the amount of paperwork that he knew was arriving soon.

(Y/N): Lord hokage.

Kakashi: You don't have to be so formal with me so please, drop The Lord.

You slightly chuckles at the Hokage's displeasure since he had to put up with that for quite a while.

Kakashi: So what brings you here?

(Y/N): I have news of the Jinchuuriki.

Kakashi: Oh really? What do you have?

(Y/N): They're all wide awake and fine, although a few of them had troubles coping with the fact that they're alive. I expect that they'll make a quick recovery since the other half seem to enthusiastic about leaving the hospital.

Kakashi: Glad to hear that, although we no longer have to call them Jinchuuriki at this point,

(Y/N): Right. What's your plan with then?

Kakashi: Well, as agreed by the other kage, we'll leave it up to them to decide what they want to do from here on out.

(Y/N): Understandable.

Kakashi: Now, since they're wide awake. Your next objective is to oversee their recovery and escort them here once they're properly released from the hospital.

(Y/N): Yes sir!

After receiving your orders, you left the office to return to the hospital. Once you had exited the Hokage tower, a small popped into your head and you decided to take a small detour. Stopping by a certain shop,  you bought three baskets of fruit for the recovering ninja and returned to the hospital.

As you reached the hospital,  you stopped in the room that held the first two former Jinchuuriki.

(Y/N): Yo.

Both Han and Roshi turned to see that you have returned.

Roshi: It's nice to see you again, (Y/N).

Han: Yes, what is that you have there? If you don't mind me asking.

You lightly chuckled before setting down the first basket in the table that separated the two hidden stone ninja.

(Y/N): Brought you guys a little something.

They were a little surprised when you set down one of the fruit baskets.

Han: Much appreciated, thank you.

(Y/N): No problem, I'm going to deliver the rest to the others.

You left leaving the two to rest and delivered the other two in Yagura and Utakata's room, although they were still thinking to themselves. They properly thanked you but you left them to continue pondering on their future.

Lastly,  you entered the room of Fuu and Yugito, as to which the latter has finally come to terms with the situation. Although there was something odd about the room.

(Y/N): ... Where is she?

Yugito: She was growing impatient. I would have stopped her but I'm still feeling worn out.

You set the basket on a nearby table before looking out the open window.

(Y/N): *sigh* feel free to eat all of these in case this takes a while.

The blonde was a little confused by your kind gesture but it did bring out a small smile from her.

Yugito: Very well and thank you.

(Y/N): No problem, be right back.

You then jumped out of the open window to search for the mint haired kunoichi who should have been resting,

To be continued!

2 + 7: Yugito Nii X male reader x FuuWhere stories live. Discover now