Part 3

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Quick A/N: So apparently Yugito was 29 before she died but we're going to make a couple of changes. We'll bump her age down to 20 and since Fuu's age is unknown, we'll make her the same age as you. Also you'll be 18 in this one since you were 19 in the last Naruto story. Then again the last one was pretty much 1 year after the Fourth Great Shinobi War and this one is pretty much right after.

Fuu: Aww come on! It gets boring in here!

The green haired kunoichi was currently pouting over her defeat in being caught while she was roaming The Hidden Leaf Village. Luckily for you. It was easy spotting her since she was still wearing hospital robes as she walked around.

(Y/N): As I told you before, you need to rest up.

Yugito: It is wise to rest.

Of course, Fuu kept her cute pout since she wasn't exactly going to win this debate but she finally decided to stay put.

(Y/N): Catch.

You tossed her an apple from the fruit basket as to which she easily caught with a surprised look on her face.

Fuu: Huh? Who brought the basket?

Yugito. Who else?

Fuu: Eh? Seriously?

(Y/N): Think of it as a get well gift.

She was shocked from the fact that you had brought them a gift.

Fuu: H-hey, quick question.

(Y/N): Yes?

Fuu: When are we scheduled to be released from here?

(Y/N): As soon as everyone's condition improved. I know you're already raring to leave but the others are still in need of rest.

Yugito: What will happen to us when we're released from the hospital?

(Y/N): That decision is up to each and every one of you. Whether you wish to return to your home village, start a simple life elsewhere, or perhaps even stay here of you wish. As I said, it is your choice on what you are willing to do.

Fuu: I think I might stay here! It's really nice and I'm not gonna lie, I actually kind of like it better than the Hidden Waterfall.

Of course, she was also having a few other thoughts while lightly blushing.

Fuu: *in thought* Also... I think I might be falling for him....

Meanwhile, her fellow room mate noticed the blush and began to have her own thoughts as well.

Yugito: *In thoughts* She is already infatuated with him... Although he is rather handsome and he was rather considerate of us.


(Y/N): *sigh* Well,  now to kill some time I guess.

It had been a week since the former Jinchuuriki have awakened from their slumber and now they were currently speaking to the Hokage about their choices for the future. It was a rather interesting weekend to say the least, especially when Naruto visited them and all of them spoke to each other as if they were old friends. Luckily, Utakata and Yagura emotionally recovered during their reunion, much to your relief.

At the moment,  you have left the Hokage tower after escorting the six ninja to the Hokage's office. Since Kakashi had informed you that your work has finished, you decided to return home to relax for a little bit.

???: Yo, (Y/N)!

You turned to the source and found Choji approaching.

(Y/N): Sup.

Choji: Glad I found you! Me and the others have been looking all over.

(Y/N): Hm? What for?

Choji: We're getting some barbecue for a little get together.

(Y/N): Heh, can't exactly say no to that.

The Akimichi let out a laugh since you always were willing to hang out with your friends no matter what the event.

Choji: Awesome! Come on let's get going! They should be waiting right now since we agreed to meet up after a certain amount of time.


(Y/N): Man I'm stuffed!

You were currently sitting your home with a relaxed smile from spending time with your friends. You really enjoyed hanging out with such all of them since all of you practically knew each other since early childhood, although all of you weren't friends until at a much later age. Still, all of you were good friends and perhaps the large group may grow of Fuu decided to stay since she had her mind set.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

(Y/N): *in thought* Oh, maybe that's Fuu right now.

Standing up from your seat, you walked to open the door and found none other than Yugito standing there.

(Y/N): Oh! wasn't expecting you here.

Yugito: I have made my choice and decided to stay here in the Hidden Leaf as a ninja.

You smiled after hearing her response. Truth be told, you were actually hoping that she would stay since you may or may not have a slight crush on her. The same can also be said for the mint haired kunoichi.

(Y/N): That's great! Oh! Where are my manners! Would you like to come in!

Yugito: Certainly.

She walked in and took a seat in on a comfortable chair while curiously looking around your home. It may not have been one of the best homes but you were a peace in this home since it was enough to fulfill your needs.

(Y/N): Would you like anything to drink?

Yugito: No, but thanks for the offer.

After you nodded in response, you sat in another chair that was facing her.

(Y/N): So what about the others? What did they decide?

Yugito: Yagura, Han and Roshi already left back to their homes. Utakata left to travel the world leaving me and Fuu to reside here. Although Fuu is finally exploring the village at the moment.

(Y/N): *slight chuckle* And you didn't want to explore the village yourself?

She slightly blushed but it wasn't bright enough for you to notice.

Yugito: I was hoping you would be the one to show me around.

You couldn't be anymore happier after hearing her response.

(Y/N): Of course, we can leave now while there's still daylight.

Yugito: Actually, before we go. I wanted to thank you for watching over us as we recovered, even if it was part of your mission. It made us feel at ease to know that there are others that do not look down on Jinchuuriki. 

(Y/N): It's no problem, I'm always happy to help. Now come on, I know a great place that sells quite a few tasty treats.

She smiled lightly before following you out the door and gently closing it behind her. 

To be continued!

2 + 7: Yugito Nii X male reader x FuuDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora