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First of all, I would like to state that I don't have problem being who you want to be. If you were/are born as a boy and feel like a girl, you do you. That's none of my concern.

As the title states I'll be talking about pronouns. I have plenty of of friends in all kinds of situations. I know situations is a word with a not so great connotation, but it not. You can look it up.

As I said I have no problem. I have couple friends who go by different pronouns than what was given at birth. They have all been so patient with everyone getting the pronouns right.

But it's those people who get immediately angry when someone say the wrong name or pronoun. I don't know you most likely, so yes I'm going to judge the outside appearance. 

Am I wrong for that?


Our perception is what we see you can't change it. Everyone just needs to be mindful. Don't act weird when someone tells you 'oh I go by so and so'. Just accept and move on. If you make a mistake and don't catch. The other person should POLITELY correct them and accept it may be a hard switch for them. If you do catch the mistake acknowledge it and apologize and let them know that you'll fix it next time.

Well first rant... Leave a comment and vote. They are appreciated. 

Also suggestion box is always open. If you want me to cover a topic just comment it.

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