Arzaylea/Luke Drama

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So @Melissabooth04 messaged me about my opinion of the Arzaylea drama going on. To be honnest I have never liked her.

Something never rubbed the right way with her. I also have been the type to welcome anyone in the fandom because ultimatley I want 5sos boys to be happy and safe.

Arzaylea just screamed fake to me. I know that's mean to say, and scouts honnor, if I met her in real life, I wouldn't show hate or anything. If anything I would clear my mind of my oppinion and see what she is all about. I'm not a judgemental person, and I understand all points of view with given times  where I think the person is just not educated.

But in all realitly, both Luke and Arzaylea no doubt have made some awful mistakes. The 5sos fam can't think Luke is perfect and that does same for the other boys too. I believe this is where the divide comes into play. 

If in your mind you think Luke can't do anything wrong, or you say he's human so he's allowed mistakes, or even more unrational things to make just to this situation you are wrong. 

Arzaylea is human too, and 'their world' is still the same as ours. The go through the same as us with maybe more money invovled and more of a repuation and career included.

Also I would like to say that Luke had not been his normal self. Where the fifteen year old who wears his brothers hand me downs (also #relatable because my cousin shared clothes cause she grew fast and we were poor). What I see now is some wearing the very flashy clothes and protrays himself as the best. I have him on every social media platform. I still see that side of him.

With Arzaylea, she was very into herself.  She contantly uses the fact they knew these were mistakes. If you make the mistake don't do it again especially if you know what you are doing is a mistake. It just makes me think she does it purposfully does it to get attention. The definiton of insanity is do something over and over. To me, she is doing the same crap over with the same excuse.

That's part of the reason I can side with Luke way more than Arzaylea. For the most part he doesn't post all that crap on social media. Arzaylea post everything, keep you relationship in private and maybe we can respect you little more. Saying that about Crystal is low. She is not going to divert the attention at all. 

I can respect crystal a hella lot more because I haven't found a thing wrong with that way she carries herself. She makes Michael happy and that's what's important. If what Arzaylea is true I'll be dissapointed, but at least she isn't a bitch to the fans.

Anyways this is the longest rant by far I feel like. Feel free to call me out in the comments. Say your oppinions I won't not like you anyless if you disagree

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