How he asked you out

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Sam~ Sam is very comfortable telling you things,talking about akward things and taking about his feeling on things.You and Sam where having a  conversation about​ yalls love life after talking about it for a good while. "(Y/n), can I ask you something" Sam asked looking down "Of course Sam anything" you responded softly "w-will will gosh this is harder than I thought" said said nervously "it's alright Sam, you can ask me anything I won't judge" you said Sam looked dead in your eyes sending chills down you spine "will you got out with me (y/n)?" San said You eyes winded "it's okay if you don't i understand" Sam quickly said "no no, I do I want to go out with you" you said smiling and you were literally screaming in the inside cause of your forever crush on Sam."really?" Sam asked in enjoyment "yes" you responded Sam pulled you into a warm soft hug and hold you like this for a while but you enjoy every second of it.

Dean~ "I got this last one!" You said as you stabbed the last demon "attay girl (y/n)!"Dean shouts smiling and giving you a high-five."Your​ getting so much better every hunt I don't know how I'm going to keep up with you"Dean said as you and Dean head to the Impala "Thanks Dean, I try" you said dramatically pretending to swipe dust off of your shoulder.Dean just laugh at your cuteness.You put the weapons back in the trunk and get in the car with Dean. As you guys head about home it was about an 2hour drive Dean played his rock music really loud and the both singing and dancing a little along with it.At the end of one song you put it down "let's take a 2min break, I'm burning up" you said "same here" Dean said chuckling.It was silence in the car you were looking up at the stars how beautiful they where.You were in your thoughts until something cut it off causing you to turning you head "will you be my girlfriend (y/n) ?" Dean asked as he turned to look at you.You were very shocked you didn't know he had feelings for you as well "(y/n)?" Dean asked taking you out of your thoughts "Dean I will love to be your girlfriend" you said smiling Dean was to "well let's get our rock back on" dean said turning the music back again you both singing and dancing again

Cas~You were at the bunker in your room as you heard Sam and Dean yelling about who does dishes tonight you just laugh."ah silly boys" you say to yourself.You lie in your bed listening to your music in background.Stareing at the ceiling just thinking.Then you heard wings​i fluttering you look to find Cas "hey Cas" you say sitting up "Hello (y/n)" Cas responsed "how are you" you asked him "I'm great "Cas says as he sits next to you.You and Cas meet eyes again lost in your thoughts you liked Cas like crazy that you could just kiss him "(y/n) are you alright?" Cas asked "pft yeah I'm fine" you said nervously "So we have been knowing each other for a long time now"Cas says looking down "yeah" you say "being great friends and all but when i am around you I get this feeling I can't really explain I think human get it to" Cas said now looking at you.You were just so confused you didn't even know right now."wait what?" You asked confused "I think it's a feeling when you like someone" Cas said "you like me?" You asked "yes I think I do" Cas said smiling "and that's why I came to ask you will you be my girlfriend?" Cas ask you could believe that just came out of his mouth "yes yes yes!" You said jumping on him for a hug "I'm so happy you said yes" Cas said happily "me too!" You said

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