② ー streets of seoul

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Rainy and bleak, yet just as ominous as The In-Between, the streets of Seoul were somewhat busy for the morning hour.

Citizens filled the walkways, rushing towards the direction of their destinations as they dodged other passerby.

Without the morning sun, the only source of light were the lamp posts lining the streets, and the illuminations able to seep through stores.

Clad in his new disguise to blend into The Mortal Zone, Minhyuk sauntered down a narrow alleyway and onto a street.
He had to admit, the black "Supreme" jacket humans called 'hoodies', and dark denim pants they called 'jeans' were much more comfortable than his usual formal attire.

Even his scroll had taken on a different appearance to adjust human eyes ー scrolls were so last century, apparently. The intern found some sort of rectangular electronic device instead, coal colored metal with an endearing cartoon puppy imprinted on the back. The front revealed a screen projecting the list of information digitally, behind a thin layer of glass.

Tapping around aimlessly on the device in hand, Minhyuk realized he didn't have a clue as to how the electronic rectangle worked. He couldn't help but yelp when it vibrated upon displaying a new message, almost dropping the device in the process.

hey! it's i.m from the eternal zone. the boss told me you needed some guidance, so i'll be helping you out with your tasks. ok, so for starters, do you know how to use your phone?

Minhyuk smiled sheepishly towards the humans casting him odd glances before finally diverting his attention to the message. "Phone?" he spoke aloud, the word foreign on his tongue.

The device vibrated again.

oh boy. we've got a long way to go.
ok! i'll be your "assistant", so if you need help just talk or type me a message. if you need help with locations, the phone has maps with pin points that track where your targets are. there are alarms that i've set to go off whenever it's someone's set time of death... and your phone is set to automatically show your list, and messages like these that i send. if you need a visual for one of your targets, then tap on their name in the list. that's all for your tutorial!  hehe. if you wanna reread my stuff, just swipe up at the top of your screen to read my messages.

"Okay, fair enough," the redhead murmured, finally moving from the spot he had been occupying on the street. Glancing down at the screen of his phone, he tapped on the first name that popped up for him. The gesture brought out a display widget that revealed a photo, presumably of the soon-to-be-dead individual that Minhyuk found undeniably attractive, as well as a street map off to one of the screen's corner with a time written on the opposite side.

5:14, exactly four minutes from the current time. At least, that's what Minhyuk thought, judging from the digits that were shown in a tiny bar at the top of the screen. He pressed on the map, gasping inaudibly when it enlarged to fill the entire screen.

Another message from I.M popped up on the screen moments after, though its appearance was rather brief.


your current location is going to be indicated by the blue dot you see on your map. the human who's going to die is the red dot, so you better get over there before their time of death! Remember, your dot follows along with the way you physically move in your actual surroundings... so does your target! 3 minutes left minnie, get a move on!

"I.M's already given me a nickname? Oh, what am I saying," Minhyuk focused on the map, noticing the particularly large gap between his dot and his target's. He was sure that the target wasn't that far from when the map first loaded, meaning they were already on the move.

Panicking with sudden realization, Minhyuk bolted across the street, out running a van that honked at him just before it was able to hit him in the legs. He glanced back momentarily, calling out a quick "sorry!" before continuing his dash. This was his first time on the field, doing something important, and he wasn't ready to let the Grim Reaper down.

As others shifted themselves to the side in order to make way for the red haired boy, Minhyuk eventually slowed down when he noticed the red dot on the map freeze in place. He sighed in relief, taking a huge breath. "Wow, I don't get to do this much physical activity back in the In-Between or Eternal Zone!"

The cellular device vibrated in his hands once again, catching him by surprise once more.


You're doing great, minnie. AND BY GREAT I MEAN GREAT AT GETTING EVERY HUMAN IN SEOUL'S ATTENTION. check the pocket of your hoodie! There should be earphones there, plug the chord into the hole on the side of your phone so you can listen to me give you instructions instead.

"Oh yikes, sorry," Minhyuk stammered, shoving a hand in the gap of his clothing as told. He retracted the string of technology, managing to get it functioning after a moment. Just as he placed the earbuds into his ear, a deep voice shouted at max volume.

"Two minutes!" the voice, presumably belonging to I.M, caused Minhyuk to break out full sprint. There was barely much of a gap between the two dots on map now, and there was no more time to lose.

After the most full blown sprint of his life, I.M began yelling into the mic once more. "Here, here! Your target's on the same street. Close the map, look around, refer to the picture of the human if you need it..."

Scanning the sea of people along the street, Minhyuk eventually locates a striking individual who seemed to match the headshot provided. "Found them," he declared rather enthusiastically, stepping towards them with great caution and anticipation. "Ready or not, here goes nothing..."

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