The rise of sorcerer and the flow of magic!

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This is my first story, so there might be some silly grammar and spelling if you find any please forgive me and let me know. And if you like the story let me know also in the comment below. Lets me have finger cross and I really want to see 4 like and 2 comment. so help me guys. I know you all are kind!

A red figure.

Some of the great incident in my life has been foretold to the people around me. But eluding this one, because every time I recalled this incident in my mind. It would give me goose bumps. Even I too don't know why? May be I am too scared of this incident? or...

It indeed might not matter to anyone but to me it do matter. Even after long 10year of this incident. A glimpsed memory of it is enough to bring grim to my face. Then pondering for a long time a thought bubbled up in my brain. Why not scribbled it down in a immortal pages? Why not face the true that I am afraid of 'HEADEN'! What is it? I too don't know but if anybody wants to know then we have to go back in time when I first saw it or first heard it from Mera.

"What is Headen?" asked I while we were having dinner.

My uncle missed his bit on rice and instate cut his thump and growled. My grandmother flinched and my grand pa frat up and both rise their eyes on me.

"Who told you this name?" grouse my pulp grand pa.

I stare toward my uncle for help who was then sucking his thump. (Must be bleeding)

"Who?" ask grand pa stronger than ever.

"Mera. She told me about this Headen" said I.

There was a complete pause for some time. Even our dog Rock who was laying beneath by chair look up at me and made a face as if I have scolded him.

"Can anyone please, tell me anything about this Headen Stuff" grumbled I bring by fist down on the table with force.

"Don't hit the table again Sam and don't go ever in the garden in sunset got it"

I rise my eyes ball toward grand pa, for a eye contact but as I was in process, my grand pa spoke out "Do you got that Sam?"


As the days drafted away slowly every activities were vigorous in state. The summer holiday was moving as plan just leaving the coming out of house in evening and strolling in garden (leaving morning) was strictly banned.

But in the forth evening the topic of 'Headen' split out of my mouth while me and uncle was having discussion on hunting.

"So uncle can I ask you something" grumbled I.

"What is that Sam?" ask he as he was scrubbing his hunting gun. We were sitting on the veranda in afternoon.

"About Headen uncle" ask I.

The piece of cloth by which he was scrubbing his gun slipped out his hand and fall as the floor. His body shiver a bit. He looks up at me in vexation. As he was going to say something, but that I spoke out first "Not necessary to answer this Q uncle and by the way I just remember a work. So bye "

As I got on my feet to flee out of this situation, uncle spoke out.

"Sit down Sam. Tell me what you want to know" said he softly.

"This Headen is a dark wizard that host in our garden for long-time and he kill anyone who come in evening time, so don't ever step in garden in evening ok"

"But uncle, previous summer I have been in the garden in evening time"

"Forget that"

I look up at him without implicitly and said nothing.

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