Chapter 1

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~ Please comment or vote! This is my first book I've attempted to write that I feel confident about so your feedback is greatly appreciated! ~

I stared out the window and studied the raindrops as they ran down the glass. I was waiting for the moment to come when the nurse would walk me out of the room that I have been occupying for the past six months. The anticipation of feeling the wind or the rain drops on my skin seemed to increase as I heard knocking at the door.

"Julie, are you ready sweetheart?" Rebecca, the nurse asked as she tossed my duffle bag over her shoulders.

I turned my head towards her and gave her a quick smile and nodded my head. Before heading towards the door, I took a last look at my room which held a twin bed and a single dresser. Although it wasn't much it grew on me during my stay.

"C'mon honey, your family is out in the lobby waiting on you." I turned my head and nodded and shut the door. As I was walking alongside Rebecca, I thought to myself about what it would be like to see my family again. They'd visit me during my time here but it would be different seeing them. No doctors, nurses or other patients; it would be just us at home in a totally different environment. I guess that I'd be okay with that.

I turned the corner that led into the lobby and seen my mother pacing back and forth while my dad sat on one of the couches with my brother, Steven, and best friend, Clarah. When I stood a few feet away from them I waited awkwardly as i tried to gain their attention.

"h-hey, everyo-one..." i stuttered trying to get my words outs. They finally looked up at me and my mother ran towards me and gave me a hug that took my breath away. After a few minutes I felt more bodies joining in on the hug and I heard the nurse trying to get our attention.

"So I have here her discharge papers and she will have to have her follow up appointment with Dr. Ferrell and another appointment once a week with her for therapy sessions." Rebecca handed my mom the papers and gave me a quick hug and said, "Take care of yourself, Julie." I returned the smile and followed my family out the door.

The moment I walked out of the sliding doors I felt the gush of wind on my skin and through my hair sending vibrant messages all over my body. It was raining so I cupped my hands and attempted to catch the falling raindrops and I gathered a few and smiled. Once I looked up, my family caught me and stared at me with amusement. I smiled and let my hands fall to my side and walked towards the car.

As we pulled out of the driveway, I looked back at the hospital and took a last glance at the sign that read Westberry Community Hospital.

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