Chapter 17

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"Good afternoon Julie."

"Hey, Dr. Ferrell." I said enthusiastically as I could. It was Friday afternoon and I had to be here instead of being lazy at home.

"How's school going?" Dr. Ferrell said bringing me out of my thoughts and back to our visit.


"And why is that?" She asked.

"Well for starters, I was asked on a date and it went well. Jake and Liza have been off my radar. Clarah has been such a good friend. My family seems to be doing good and their really happy about me being home again. We've became closer actually." I answered coming to terms that I have nothing to complain about.

The hour with her went by quickly. We talked about how I felt about being home and how my attitude was towards Liza and Jake. She brought up forgiveness again. I told her that I'll forgive them when I was ready. She accepted my answer and led me out of her office and we both went separate ways.

Lightning and thunder were occupying the afternoon sky. I ran to my car before the rain could start to fall. Before I reached my car I heard a honk across the parking lot. I turned to see Luke in his truck waving for me to come over. I looked at him annoyed and ignored his gesture and faced my car. He's been so distant since Monday. I've been waiting patiently for him to come around and tell me what's been going on but he stays quiet ignoring my questions.

"Julie! Please don't go." He stopped me from closing my car door. When did he get over here so fast? He looked like a lost puppy. Sad and forgotten.

"It's about to rain. I have to get home." I said sternly, I tried to hide the concern in my voice. I pulled the door shut but he stopped it once more.

"Can we talk?" His eyes gazed into mine and the bags under his eyes were noticeably dark.

The look he was giving me seemed urgent. I didn't want to let him down so I nodded my head in agreement. I slid into the passenger seat as he got into the car. I handed him the keys to start the car. He began to drive off and soon enough I noticed we were in a newly built subdivision. He parked the car and got out to open my door. I hopped out with a puzzled look and he took my hand and we walked into a house that was built but was still unfinished.

"What are we doing here?" I asked bothered by the silence.

"I want to talk to you." He answered in a monotone.

We walked into the unfinished living room and Luke sat down on the bare concrete. I stared down at him as he pattered the spot next to him gesturing me to sit. I sat down across from him never breaking our gaze.

"Okay? Talk." I ordered afraid of being caught in private property.

He let out a deep sigh and said, "I went back to my old town to visit my mom. My real mom." The last part caught my attention.

"Real mom? I thought your mom was here?" I questioned still confused.

"Liam and..." He started. "Liam and I are cousins. My mom became an alcoholic and abused me. She blamed me for my father's absence. Liam's dad, my mom's brother, took me in when I was six and treated me like part of the family, hence the brother part. I visited her as ordered by the court and she was doing just fine until last week. When we moved it hit her hard. She was mad at me for leaving with Liam's family. So she tried to overdose on pills and alcohol. I went to see her in the hospital and she blamed me for her relapse." He said with a hint of sadness in his voice as he punched the wall.

He got up quickly and paced back and forth. I got up and grabbed his hand, his back facing me. I walked toward him, his hand fit perfectly in between my fingers. I wrapped my free arm around his waist and hugged him. His scent putting me in a daze. His free hand caressed my arm and he turned around and looked down me with my face cupped in his hands.

"But the whole time I was there all I could think about was you. About your confession to me on our date. All I wanted to do was get back home to you. To make sure that you were okay." He said as he leaned in closer to me just inches away from my lips. I grabbed him by the shirt and he put his forehead against mine. "I've never been so lost for a girl like this before Julie." He admitted.

I stood there holding onto his shirt afraid of saying something stupid. I wanted to admit how much I liked him and that I felt the exact same way. Instead I stood glued to the floor with my mouth was frozen shut.

He lifted my chin up, our noses touching and he kissed me gently. For the first time our lips touched and I felt a desirable spark. His taste was just as intoxicating as his scent. I swung my arms around his neck and he picked me up swiftly, wrapping my legs around his waist. The kiss began to heat up and when I thought we were going to go farther into the kiss the security guard burst in and yelled, "stop what you're doing and put your hands up!"

We stopped our kissing and looked at the security guard stunned. Crap! I'm going to jail I thought.

Luke whispered to me as we stood up slowly hands up in the air in surrender, "run out the back door and get into the car. I'll be right behind you. On, two, THREE!"

Once he yelled three, I bolted out of the door and into the back yard. The last I heard was Luke yelling a distraction for me to get free. As scared as I was I had to admit it was pretty exhilarating. I headed towards my car but Luke beat me to it. He must've went around the other way. I jumped into the car and before I could close the door Luke sped off. We got some distance between us and the subdivision when I turned and looked at Luke and began to laugh. He looked at me puzzled and started to join in on my laughter.

"That was so scary, but fun!" I shrieked in excitement.

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