The abilities and strengths of the SirenWing

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SirenWings have of course their powerful voices, a female's voice is somewhat alluring to many, their voices and their songs being one of the most beautiful thing a creature could hear in their lifetime. A male's voice is different though, they do have their singing ability but their voices aren't as strong, being only powerful towards a female dragon (possibly even a select few) But some males have stronger voices, being able to affect other male dragons as well (rare trait) in their disguised form they don't have many attacking weapons sadly, but in their true forms that's when they are able to fight, welding very powerful curved claws, some being retractable (royal trait) in their fake form and can hook into another dragon's scales or a fish with stinging pain. They also have two rows or serrated teeth that they use for intimidation most likely towards others they don't wish to deal with, they sometimes have three rows (rare/royal trait) as well, and they aren't a type of dragon to be messed with. In their true forms, their scales tend to be a bit more painful to touch due to their scales becoming a bit more serrated.  

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