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Hi guysss, I'm back!
I started writing this story two days ago and I finished the first chapter so I thought that I could just upload it. So here it is. I hope you like it! Please give me your opinions and maybe ideas for the story? :)

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Harry bent down to take the picture from a different angle. Maybe he was standing in the middle of the pavement, and maybe some people had to stop and wait till he found the perfect perspective. But he didn't care. Not because he was a rude person, but because his love for photography exceeded any chance of embarrassment he could experience. He feels way more confident when his camera is hanging around his neck.

Harry is in his second year at University, studying photography. He is enjoying every second of it, and that's important. He is pretty good at it,  but he doesn't like to show off (maybe he does, just a little). People who don't enjoy what they are studying, in his opinion, are just wasting their time. They try convince themselves that they are, but at the end they end up working as a bartender in the dirtiest bar in town. But who is he to change their opinions? No one. He's just a 19 year old in his last years of adolescence, trying to survive social pressure because, if there is something that Harry hates, is when people change their personality just to be accepted. Can't they see that when that happens, is not you who is being accepted, but the person you've become to make that happen? Whatever, no one makes the effort to understand him anyway.

When he was pleased enough with the picture he's taken, he started walking down the road in search of the apartment he was possibly renting for the next couple of years. He saw the advert online. Apparently someone doesn't have enough money to pay it for themselves as they put in the description: "Two bedroom apartment. Doesn't have a sea view, nice balcony or any of that shit, excuse my French, and you could maybe find something better. But keep in mind that  by doing that, a very nice person will have to ask their mum for help to pay the bills, and that will be the end of  their so deserved independence".  And Harry found that funny, and weird. But he likes different.

However, the main reason for choosing that particular apartment was because it is actually near the University he is attending, the price is not bad and it has two bedrooms, which means he won't have to share his personal space with someone else. Which is what he was doing for the first year, and the reason why he moved out. He was sharing a room with a boy. The boy smoked. But not next to the window, or outside. He smoked in his room, which was Harry's room as well. And he found that very rude and disgusting. He told him multiple times how much he hates smoking, how much he detests the smell. Did he listen to him? Not at all. So after a year, he gave up, and he is praying to god that this apartment is at least decent and the person isn't an ass. And Harry is atheist.

After about ten minutes, he found himself in front of a white average size apartment. He pushed number 28 in the buzzer and waited for an answer, for about 5 minutes. He cursed when he realised that he didn't ask for a phone number. He pushed the button for the last time and was about to leave when a high pitched voiced answered.


"Hi I'm...Harry" 

"Who's Harry?"

Didn't he include his name in the email? If he recalls correctly, he actually did. And considering today is the day they decided to meet, they shouldn't be questioning who Harry is. 

Maybe Harry should stop analyzing everything and finally tell whoever is on the other end of the line what he is here for.

Photograph 📷 //Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now