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Don't you guys love that GIF?

I'm back! took more time updating this week because I started school but I finish next week so yeah 😂😂 I spend a long time writing this chapter so I hope you like it! I do... :)
Thank you for the comments and votes!! You guys are amazing 💚💙

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One of Harry's favourite things to do is watch a good movie with the lights off, lying on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket and drinking some hot chocolate. And that's exactly what he was doing.

His mum visited him at about 3 pm and they spent some time catching up on each others lives. Harry didn't have much to tell her since his life is very monotonous, but he managed to keep her entertained for an hour sharing his day in the forest with her. Of course he skipped some details but it's alright, he doesn't want to worry his mum with the Louis situation or however he should call it. If his mum finds out about how Louis treats him sometimes, she'll probably make it a big deal and force him to move out of the apartment. He doesn't want that to happen, don't ask him why.

Anne left London a while ago and Harry was now watching Titanic, one of his favourite movies. Louis was nowhere to be seen. He's been out all day and he knows this because he checked on his bedroom, even though Louis told him to stay away from it. He already broke that rule when he slept in his bed, with him, so it doesn't matter. He really doesn't know what he was thinking when he did it, but he doesn't regret it one bit because Louis responded that way. He also recovered from his cold faster than usual, which was a shame because if every time he's ill he gets to cuddle with the older boy, he doesn't really mind. Yes, he's starting to accept the fact that he likes Louis' company and warmth.

Now, back to the movie. He's seen it plenty of times but he doesn't think he'll ever manage to not shed a tear at the last scene. Harry is just the kind of person that loves romantic movies, and even if they have a sad ending and he always ends up crying, he'll watch them again and again because he just loves to suffer, or so it seems. The part when the ship is sinking was now on and Louis had just arrived. Harry didn't pay much attention to him as he was absorbed in the movie, but he did hear steps approaching him from behind.

"I hate that movie" Louis commented. Harry frowned and looked at him surprised.


"Because it's stupid. There's enough room on the plank for the two of them, but she let's Jack die when she 'supposedly' loves him"

Harry shook his head, as if disagreeing with him.

"But it's not a question of room, it's a question of buoyancy" He explained. "There's clearly only enough buoyancy available for one person. So he makes the decision to let her be that person because he loves her. Also, it's showing you the reality of the tragedy. If he didn't die it would become more about the fictional love story than the true story"

Louis didn't know what to say. Nobody ever gave him an explanation as good as Harry's, so nobody ever convinced him that he was wrong till now. Well, nobody really bothered to contradict him. He never thought about that to be honest, but the look on Harry's face was getting on his nerves. He looked so proud of himself.

"But-" Louis protested, getting interrupted by the curly boy.

"Just admit that I'm right already"

"Never in a million years" He said smirking. Harry laughed and decided to pay attention to the movie since he'd already missed a couple of minutes. Louis on the other hand walked towards the window and pulled a cigarette out of his pocket. Harry didn't notice the fact that he was smoking till the smoke filled his nostrils.

Photograph 📷 //Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now