poem 17

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Once bitten , twice shy
They still yearned for each other with feelings none of them could deny

Good and quickly seldom meet
the impatient hearts were striving to reach out to cool each other's heat

They knew not to kindle with fire they couldn't put out
But the fire had already started
Steadily burning what they couldn't live without

The wonder lasted but nine days
And once again the fierce hearts were strays

The damaged heart couldn't love another damaged one
In this battle of broken hearts one had to be the stranded one

I think of us .. all the time .
I feel bound to you and it's not right

A damaged heart can't love another damaged one
Why do I feel like in this battle of broken hearts I'd be the stranded one

I wanted to be your home
Where you'd always come back to
I wanted you to be my home
Where I'd always find shelter

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