Poem 27

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You want me to find happiness in your lies
Did you notice ? In your absence, how many nights I cried

I waited, waited much too long
Only to be told, that, to them I don't belong

Wanting me to trust them,
They lied to me again and again
As if it wasn't enough
Showed me the love, to cover for the damage they caused to my bruised heart
Leaving me with agony and pain

I know I wasn't the brightest star of your life
You were fighting Your Own battles,
Like an Alpha you took it all, came out stronger with the ways you survived

Still feared to risk a little
I'd never ask you to walk on thorns
Take my hand and the journey won't be brittle

But we weren't Mates
Our hearts were filled with hates
Caused by the ones for whom we'd put our Hearts at stake, but you too
Showed me that I wasn't to belong to you
But only to be Used then pushed away and trade

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