Chapter 14

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She kept running, not thinking and she didn't stop until she was two blocks away. Lungs on fire from exertion, bare feet hurting, maybe bleeding from running with no shoes on, but at least she was out of there. She entered a building that had an open door to protect herself from the rain. She put her hands on her knees to catch her breath. She looked outside to see if anyone was following her and then sat on a step in the staircase.

She hadn't stopped crying, her vision blurry from the tears and shock, her hair, messy, wet strips that stuck on her face. It was madness. She couldn't comprehend what had just happened. If she tried hard enough she could believe it had all been a dream. Maybe she had hallucinated the whole thing. What did a guy like him had to do with her?

She suddenly started laughing. A high pitch creak that forced all of the tension of the past hours out of her system. She couldn't believe that only a few hours ago she was in biology class dreaming of meeting Ophelia. Ophelia who had turned into the least of her problems at that moment. She started laughing again when she realised she had left her shoes and clothes behind. Screw the shoes. She could cry over her bleeding feet later. Laughing was the only way to make her horrendous situation the tiniest bit bearable. Her books and wallet were still in the bag. Thankfully her phone was still in her bag which she still had.

Still wearing the guy's baggy joggers and now see through from the rain t-shirt, she felt disgusted. She wanted to rip the clothes off her. Erase the memory of what he had done and turn back time to refuse his dreaded offer to follow in his apartment. Go back to when she was intrigued by him and want to meet him.

What would she say to her mum? Of course she couldn't mention anything about what happened. Alex would get in trouble for going to a stranger's house in the first place. She would get targeted in school and honestly she couldn't bear another move and change of life.

Sitting there inside that building, drenched and once again and scared, Alex felt like dying.

"Hello buddy." Viv appeared.

"Go to hell." Alex spat, no remorse.

Her imaginary friend sighed and sat next to her. Her staying there despite Alex's protests, meant that the girl needed her one and only friend.

"Take a breath will ya? It will be okay." Viv attempted to comfort a shivering Alex with a hand on her shoulder.

Alex finally took her eyes off the floor and looked at her imaginary friend, this time compassionately. She was there with her when no one else was, when Ophelia had betrayed her and fooled her.

So, there she sat in a block of flats alone to anyone who might have been watching, in a wet set of baggy clothes, ashamed of her own existence, wishing she could disappear as quickly as her imaginary friend.

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