Chapter 73

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The light winter breeze passed through Ophelia's open window. It was a cold afternoon, much like any other one in January which found Ophelia lying in bed, listening to an Audiobook while sipping a hot cup of coffee, when a thud interrupted her peace.

One minute she was minding her own business and the next she jerked up with her heard pounding, startled by the noise. It was one thing hearing a loud noise in your room out of the blue and a whole other hearing that noise while not being able to see where It came from.

"Hello?" she exclaimed, squinting to try and catch a glimpse of a shape in case someone was standing there. She stood up and still on edge, she decided to search around. What a funny picture she must have made; a girl, walking around her room with her arms extended, searching for an invisible intruder or any non-existent menace.

She should have called her mum. She kept searching.

She was about to call her mum when she found the source of the noise. She accidentally kicked it with her foot while walking which made it more difficult to find. It was a tiny object, almost the size of an eraser but made from a harder material. She tried to feel both it's metallic, cold edges.

A flash drive?

She didn't want to upset anyone for no reason so she picked up the object and examined it. This the thing could have contained any sort of disturbing material or virus. She should have called someone. But then again, why would anyone who would want to harm her, toss a flash drive through her open window. As expected, curiosity overwhelmed her logic and soon enough she found herself inserting it to her laptop and opening the file. As her device informed her, the file was an audio, named as the default bunch of numbers and letters. Nothing specific, very questionable, yet Ophelia commanded play and put on her headphones.

At first all she could hear was the crinkling sound of the headphones rubbing against some fabric, until a voice sounded.

"Hi...I guess. " the voice began and Ophelia recognised it immediately.

"I don't really know what to say." the voice coughed "What can you say when you kiss your best friend, then watch her being kissed and kiss back her ex boyfriend, only to find out that they had been messing with your head for the past five months. " she sighed.

"But I'm denying that everything we've been through was a lie. I wish you hadn't lied, I wish you had told me before it was too late, but again I wouldn't want you to blame yourself for anything. I know you've been through a lot and I love you Ophelia, as weird as that may sound, I do, in both a friendly and non-friendly way." a weak giggle.

Ophelia was as confused as she was intrigued. She pulled up her phone ready to text Alex about the origin of her weird voice message but the audio continued after a long pause.

"As I said you've been through hell and back and probably still are but I've been too. I know how it is. I also know you  know something is not quite alright with me. And yeah, I should have talked. I should have talked to you, you should have talked but we can't keep living in a world of things we wished had happened, right? " 

There was a long pause, only filled by sighs and static and by that time, Ophelia had already bitten off half of her manicured nails. What was going on?

"Anyway...that why you're getting this, cause I believe not everything was a lie. Cause I believe that even though you deeply hurt me with what you did that you actually cared about me in the process. Correct me if I'm wrong because this sounds like a movie scenario but it can actually be true. To sum it up, this recording will hopefully be an answer to what's about to happen." 

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