19: Do You Know What I'm Seeing?

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"Matty. Hey, Matty. Matty," Jesse poked, attention rolling off his lips. "Hey Matty. Look at my tongue," Jesse proceeded to stick his tongue out to reveal it was colored blue while Matty regarded with abhorrence.

"What is wrong with you, Jesse." Matty wailed, beholding the view out of the car window while Brendon ignited the engine.

"Look Brendon." Jesse stated, sticking his tongue out at Brendon. "I had this blue drink AND LOOK!!"

"Cool Jess," Brendon ignored, spinning the tires out from in front of Melanie's driveway and down the road while Jesse blubbered to whoever would listen about his tongue. From the front seat, the vast view beaming from the windshield turned everything a shade darker. Even the sky knew that hazed tears and laborious memories would be brought forth soon. The sky was in on all of my secrets. The sky remembered the past when I could not.

"How were you guys so close?" Brendon questioned from the front seat, speaking to the boys in the back.

"We were trying to stay low after the mall incident." Jesse answered. Jesse then leaned forward to the front passenger seat and whispered down my neck. "They always expect the criminals to run, Ambris. I would've stayed with Brennie if I knew he traveled with pretty girls like you." His fingers grazed the back of my neck and he giggled. He was onto some sort of game, and he knew I had caught on.

"Stay away from things that aren't yours," Melanie growled, forcing Jesse back from me.

"What," Jesse cackles, raising his hands in question. "You can't blame me. Doctor says I'm sick, mommy says I'm a slut, and I can't even have a little fun." His smirk cuts the thin air in the car and my phone buzzes in my back pocket. I decide to ignore it and I think, hard.

Sick? What's wrong with Jesse?

What are they not telling me about their "plan"?

Who took my car keys?                                         Damn, my car keys.

Where did my memories go...?

That question continued to plague me. I shut my eyes and focused on breathing.

In........... 8th grade

Out............ The boy with red hair

In............. Why won't anyone tell me?




Will I ever remember.

My eyes slowly flickered open. And the scene before me was terrifying.

Her face, her face, her face, her face, her face, her face.

Her Mini Cooper slammed head-on into Brendon's Riviera with the strength of a sweeping river. I was released from the car and through the windshield, which held my captivation a few minutes earlier.

I awoke on the pavement. This, was the ultimate moment of silence. This was the ringing, and the silent screams, and the blaring stillness that had brought people to their deathbeds.

This was the end.


whALE IM CRYING LOLOLOL. holy rollerblading jesus, this chapter got to me bro.

if you're crying too, here is help:

never have I seen a more perfect walnut

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never have I seen a more perfect walnut.

laters babes, han

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