02 • The Secret Police

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"Lucy!" Lazarus said surprised. He had been having tea with Tumnus, who shamefully had admitted to Lazarus of the events with Lucy the previous day. Lazarus had assured him it was fine and that in the end, Tumnus had done the right thing and brought her home. They had heard a knock at Tumnus' door and upon opening it, Lazarus had found Lucy, who was incredibly happy to see him again.

"Hello, Lazarus!" She said, hugging him, "Are you going to join us for tea this time?" She asked, hopeful.

"Of course, darling. I did promise you after all, and a promise shall always be kept." He winked at her and she gave him a big grin in return. "Come in."

"Oh, Lucy! Hello!" Tumnus greeted her as soon as he saw her, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you both." She said simply, not wanting to explain further. They both respected her wishes and they sat together in front of the warm fire.

They had ended up having tea and talking, Tumnus and Lazarus telling her about wonderful tales of Narnia. Lucy would also share stories of her land and of her siblings, which she wished would believe her and come to Narnia to meet Lazarus and Tumnus. It was not long when Lucy declared that she had to go back but reassured them that she would return to Narnia to see them.

Lazarus escorted her back to the apparent door to her land. When she disappeared in the odd doorway, Lazarus tilted his head in wonder. He then shook his head, dismissing any thought he had about Lucy's world. Not right now, he told himself.

When he returned to Tumnus' cave, he found his friend rushing around in panic.

"Tumnus? What's-"

"Lazarus! You have to leave!" Tumnus rushed to him, not letting Lazarus finish his question. He held Lazarus' shoulders in a tight grip, his eyes wild and afraid.

"What? Why? What's going on, Tumnus?" Lazarus asked him, worried about the Faun's wellbeing. He was puzzled as to what could've happened in the small time he was gone.

"The White Witch, she's coming for me Zarus. You have to leave. Now." Tumnus said sternly. He tried to push Lazarus out the door but he, being the stronger of the two, did not let Tumnus do so.

"No, Tumnus, I will not leave you." He said, determined. Lazarus was loyal to those he loved and protected them at all costs.

"Lazarus, please." Tumnus said, begging his friend. "I-"

His sentence was cut off when, suddenly, the wolves of the White Witch's so called 'Secret Police' barged into Tumnus' home. The two narnians turned to face them, startled by the sudden intrusion. Lazarus stood in front of Tumnus, trying to protect him.

"Tumnus the faun, you are under arrest for your acts of high treason against her imperial majesty, Jadis, Queen of Narnia. Also, for comforting her said Majesty's enemies, harbouring spies and fraternizing with Humans." Maugrim, the captain of the Secret Police, said, stepping towards Tumnus and Lazarus.

Lazarus growled in warning when the other wolves started to advance towards Tumnus to arrest him.

"Lazarus, please, I don't want you to get punished for something I did. Just let them arrest me and walk away safely." Tumnus pleaded from behind Lazarus and trying to get past him, accepting his fate.

Lazarus looked back at Tumnus, going to argue with him. Maugrim noticed Lazarus' defenses lowering at this moment and took this upper hand to surprise him. Maugrim launched himself at Lazarus, knocking him to the ground. He bit into Lazarus' shoulder and scratched at his chest making him growl in pain. Lazarus sunk his claws in Maugrim's side in return, making him yelp. Hearing their captain howl in pain, two wolves came to aid him.

Maugrim backed away. "Kill him," He ordered the two wolves.

The wolves launched themselves at Lazarus, who was still on the ground. They began to claw and bite at Lazarus mercilessly. He did nothing to stop them, not being able to move because of the immense pain. Lazarus let his head drop to the side, his vision starting to blur. He hadn't even noticed the wolves had stopped abusing him to escort Tumnus, who had been arrested a few moments earlier. Lazarus' body screamed in agony and his eyes felt heavy, wanting to succumb to the darkness that clouded his vision.

Through his impaired vision, Lazarus saw Tumnus being pushed out of the house, surrounded by the wolves. Lazarus had no chance to react, as his eyes closed and he fell into the darkness.

Sorry this chapter is so bad I suck at fighting scenes lmao.

Lazarus • Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now