03 • The Pevensies

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Indistinguishable words resonated in Lazarus ears as he woke up. Honestly, he had thought they were just odd noises until his ears adjusted and he began to discern a few words. His eyes seemed glued shut, as he was unable to open them, and his body refused to move, so he couldn't get up to see who was speaking.

"Out of our hands..."

"... don't get it, do you?"

Lazarus struggled not to fall unconscious once more, as he tried his best to focus on the voices. He was unable to hear full sentences yet since he still faded in and out a bit.

"Don't worry, Lucy..."

Lucy? Lazarus' body reacted immediately and jerked awake. He gasped, only now feeling all the pain. His chest heaved as his body was put under such torment. He fought through the agony and with great difficulty, called out her name. "Lucy?"

"Lazarus!" He heard the young girl call and soon, she stood above him. She gasped when she saw him, his body bloodied and scratched. He tried to give her a small smile, but winced instead at the pain that accompanied his attempted movement.

Lucy threw herself on the floor, not wanting to touch Lazarus, in fear of hurting him. Lazarus then noticed three people standing behind Lucy, two males and one female, looking at Lazarus in wonder. The eldest male had dirty blond hair and the youngest male and the female had dark brown hair. Peter, Susan and Edmund, he guessed. Lazarus was too dazed to focus on their specific features.

Lucy turned towards them, "Help me!" She cried, desperately, tears in her eyes.

Peter started towards them, kneeling down beside Lucy, looking at the narnian in worry. Lazarus groaned in pain but fortunately, felt his wounds healing, although slowly. They both looked at Lazarus hopelessly, neither knowing what to do to help him.

"I'm alright." Lazarus reassured them, but his words betrayed him when he grimaced in pain as he sat up. He looked up and saw that he had come face to face with Peter.

"Who are you?" Peter blurted out, seeming slightly flustered by their closeness, although he didn't try to back away. He looked into Lazarus' captivating blue eyes and found it almost impossible to look away from his intense stare.

"Who are you?" Lazarus asked, although he already knew who Peter was. He had just wanted to make the eldest Pevensie more flustered. He also took this time to admire Peter and to decide he was a very pleasant creature to look at.

"I asked you first!" Peter flushed even more, much to Lazarus' happiness. Susan, Edmund and Lucy watched their interaction with hidden amusement. Peter had always acted brave and like nothing affected him, so seeing him blush was quite a rare sight for them.

"My name's Lazarus, it's nice to finally meet you Peter," Lazarus smiled at Peter, staring him in the eyes intently and then he turned to the middle children. "Hello, Susan, Edmund," He greeted them.

Everyone looked at Lazarus, slightly dumbfounded that he knew their names, but remembered the tales that Lucy had told them and that he'd been one of the creatures she had befriended during her last visits.

"What happened to you?" Lucy asked him with a small, worried voice. "And to Tumnus?"

"The White Witch's wolves attacked me and took Tumnus." Lazarus explained simply, pain laced in his words when he thought about the said occurrence. Lucy became slightly disappointed by the information, since it didn't make anything much clearer.

Suddenly, the sound of a bird's wings diverted their attention from Lazarus to it. It was a robin who had flown by the cave's door and perched itself on a branch near it.

Lazarus • Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now