05 • Unfortunate Family Resemblance

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"Has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?"

"Yes. But only once," Peter answered, confused on the question.

"But he'd lied to us afterwards about it. Said he was playing along with Lucy's stories," Susan explained to the Beavers, even though she was also confused.

"Edmund met her. The White Witch," Lazarus said to Mr. Beaver, who nodded in confirmation.

"What? But-" Susan tried to protest, but was quickly interrupted by Mr. Beaver.

"We haven't got time. We have to try to stop him before he reaches her castle."

"We need to get Edmund before he gets to her," Lazarus said with urgency.

Lazarus honestly didn't know what she would do with him. All he knew was that it would be very bad and that Edmund would not come out of this unscathed.

Peter ran ahead, leading the group as he followed Edmund's foot tracks through the snow. Only good thing about the dreadful thing, Lazarus thought. They reached the top of the mountains, looking down on the White Witch's castle. Lazarus was filled with anger as he looked down onto the glittering castle of that awful witch. She, who had cursed their land, made herself supposed ruler of it and killed and tormented hundreds of its inhabitants. He hated that damn false queen.

"Edmund!" Lucy cried out into the cold air.

She was quickly shushed by Mr. Beaver. "Sh! They'll hear ya!" He quietly hissed at her, fearing just that.

Lazarus was alert to any noises or scents he could pick up. He'd already left Edmund slip away, but there was no way he would let the other Pevensie siblings run away or face any unwanted danger.

Peter looked out at the castle. What had Edmund been thinking? Why couldn't he just listen to Peter for once in his goddamn life? He grew quite angry at Edmund, but he also feared for him. Ever since they'd ventured into Narnia, they had heard all about how terrible the White Witch was. How she had imprisoned the narnians in this endless winter, how she scared them and took away their happiness. And now, Edmund was going to her willingly. Peter didn't understand what had led his brother to make this decision.

Peter had vowed his mother he'd look after his siblings, take care of them. Yet, Edmund was heading straight into danger's hands, and Peter had done nothing but make him more enticed to leave. Peter had made Edmund feel left out and alone. He'd gotten angry at Edmund and yelled at him. Seeing what that had done to his little brother, Peter regretted doing all those things.

Peter couldn't stand watching Edmund step into the Witch's dangerous hands. At least not alone. Peter suddenly shot ahead, a determined look on his face. He was getting Edmund back.

Lazarus' heart jumped seeing Peter try to follow Edmund. He understood (somewhat, since he didn't have any siblings himself) that Peter was the eldest and felt the need to protect his siblings. But this was too dangerous for Peter. All the Witch would do is kill both of them. Lazarus wasn't going to risk the possibility. He hated that they had to leave Edmund behind, especially if he might get hurt, but he had no choice. He needed to protect the other three siblings now.

"No!" Mr. Beaver cried, trying to pull Peter back by his coat.

"Peter!" Lazarus sprang forward as well, catching him by his wrist and holding him back. "You can't-"

"Get off me!" Peter yelled, trying to yank out of Lazarus' grip.

However, he failed, seeing as Lazarus was impeccably strong. Peter tried to send Lazarus an angry glare, but he couldn't. All he managed was a desperate and frustrated look. His squirming only made Zarus bring Peter closer, practically in his chest.

Lazarus • Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now