New Ideas

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It had been a while since Zoey had first started wetting herself for fun. She had just turned 18. Her parents were going on vacation with eachother for their anniversary and Zoey would be home alone for about a week. Which she loved the idea of very much.

So I've been thinking about what to do while my parents are on vacation ever since they first told me they were going. To prepare for it a while ago I was able to get a pack of pull ups for this week. So I'll be in those practically 24/7 unless I have to go out somewhere, or maybe even then too if I don't get too scared. So once I was sure they left I took off my panties and traded them for a pink fluffy pull up. And I just layed down on my bed in that and a tank top just enjoying it at first for a little bit then I turned on my TV and watched some cartoons. After a little while the urge to pee had hit me, and so I gave a little push and it started flowing out, filling my pull up. It still feels as good as the first time I had done it in a while. I stayed in it for a while enjoying it and playing around with the squishiness of it. After I changed I decided to put some panties on just cause I wanted to see if I could have a real accident. So I made sure to drink a lot of water, about a half hour later another urge hit me, except this wasn't to go pee. I held it off for a bit just cause I didn't wanna get up and use the toilet only to pee and ruin my idea for having an accident. But the urge only got worse the more I waited, I was about to get up to use the toilet but then I had an idea. I wondered what it would feel like if I didn't make it to the toilet in time. These panties were already pretty ruined from pissing in them a bunch of times so it didn't matter what happened to them. So I sat down on the floor, which was where I usually wet myself when I didn't have a diaper since it was hardwood so pee wouldn't soak into it, and held it in for a few minutes until it was unbearable. First I peed which made a huge puddle on the floor then it was too hard to hold in my poop so I gave a little push and it started to fill my panties. It was warm and kinda mushy but still pretty hard but it felt amazing, the bulge in the back of my panties was a bit bigger than a baseball. I stood up and went check how it looked in a mirror. It looked as good as it felt, a girl with a cute butt and soaked panties and a big bulge in the back (slightly stained of course), how all girls should look in my opinion. So I went to go to my room for a towel to clean up some of the pee before it smelt too bad, but as I was walking up to my room I slipped in the pee and landed flat on my ass. The poop went all over the back of my panties, at first I didn't like it but that was just from the shock of falling and landing the way I did cause shortly after as I moved to get up and it squished a bit more. I loved the feeling even more. So I decided to sit back down and wiggle my butt around while on the floor, it was one of the best feelings ever. But after playing around for a bit I decided to clean up a bit, I cleaned the pee off the floor and took a shower to clean myself off. After my shower I went back into a pull up, seemed like I needed one after an accident like that, which I wet a little bit before I went to bed, nothing too excited and then fell asleep in it. Looking forward to experimenting more while I'm alone.

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