| 12 | Experimentation: Begin |

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This chapter is bit...sad. Although, not as sadistic as the previous chapter, so don't worry! There will be some fluff in here, so, I guess that's a good thing?


WARNING: Foul Language. Fluff.

DISCLAIMER: I, LeTiffany, do not own the manga/anime Naruto or its characters. I only own the story plot and the Original Characters (OC) I create. All credits towards Naruto should go to Masashi Kishimoto.


| [(*)] | Music: Naruto Shippuden OST Album 1 // Song 23 - Taiji Effects: No Current Effects |



Said man turned around on his chair. "What is it, Seto?"

"Your experimental guinea pigs are ready, Shiwama-sama."

Shiwama sighed, before standing up from his chair. "They're not called 'guinea pigs', Seto. They're merely objects that I experiment on."

"Humans are called objects?"

"Wonderful, isn't it?"

The black-haired man shivered as his master walked past him.

"My first experiment with the devil genes [1]. Isn't that great?"

| [(*)] | Opening Theme: Uragiri No Yuuyake by Theatre Brook | Experimentation: Begin ; 実験: BEGIN Music: No Current Music For This Scene Effects: No Current Effects |

You continued to shuffle through the files with unbreakable determination.

"Kotayuke. Kotayuke. Kotayuke..." you continued to mumble to no-one in particular.

Unbeknownst to you, outside the door were five figures staring through the crack of the ajar door.

"H-how long h-h-has she been in there?"

"She's gonna starve!"

If you had heard them, you ignored them, as you flipped through every 'K' folder you could find; biting the surface of your thumb while you were at it.

Kuso...what if he's not from Konohagakure?

You blinked, before your hands collected the files (with uncanny speed). You hastily made your way out of the door, completely ignoring the five people who were at the door.

| [(*)] | Music: No Current Music For This Scene Effects: No Current Effects |

"Tsunade, do you mind if you can assign me to a mission outside of Konohagakure?"

"Hmm? Why?"

"What if Shiwama Kotayuke wasn't from here?"


You stared at her patiently.


She sighed, before placing her chin on the palm of her right hand.

"You know what, I don't even think you need a mission, [Name]."

You blinked, obviously surprised with her response.

"Here," she was holding out a scroll she magically got out of nowhere, "you can travel to other villages, just make sure to give them this."

"...?" You nodded anyways, as you reached a hand out to grab said scroll.

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