| 14 | Why? |

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Yosh, yosh! My sense of writing is back! Woot~

Anyways, I'm going to try to make this chapter funny, sadistic, and gory. At the same time. Don't know how the heck I'll do that.

FEEDBACK: ...uhh...

WARNING: Crack. Gore & Blood. Fighting Scenes. Sadistic Shiwama-san.

DISCLAIMER: I, LeTiffany, do not own the manga/anime Naruto or its characters. I only own the story plot and the Original Characters (OC) I create. All credits towards Naruto should go to Masashi Kishimoto.


| [(*)] | Music: No Current Music For This Scene | Effects: No Current Effects |

You grunted as you continued to crawl through the vent-pipe.

"Itie! Ow! Ooh!"


You sighed, before deciding that the best thing to do was to ignore the cries that came from your students' mouths. Wrong choice.



"Oof! Oi! Raito, get your foot off my face!"

"That's not my foot, dumbass. You're no-where near me. I'm after [Name]-sensei, and you're the last person."

"Oh my gosh, is that a RAT?!"

Your right eye twitched. What could be more worse than being cooped up in an air-vent? Being cooped up in an air-vent with your students.

| [(*)] | Opening Theme: Cycle by CherryBlossom | Why? ; なぜ | Music: No Current Music For This Scene | Effects: No Current Effects |

You grunted as you silently slid down the air vent, landing on the ground on your feet expertly. You stood up, and walked about two steps forward, before looking around. You saw a sign on the door that read 'Shiorone Base', but other than that, no-one. Sensing no-one hiding in the room, you waved a hand up the vent. You continued to walk as you heard the protests that came out of your team's mouths as they landed quite ungracefully on the floor. On their face.

"Itie! Get off me, Raito!"

"You're on top of me, baka!"


You sighed, before you face-palmed.

"Okay, we definitely need to work on make a cool landing."

"What was that?"

You sighed again, before shaking your head.

"Nothing. Let's go."


Your eyes widened as Jinko's foot descended on an uneven tile that jutted out from the floor.

"No, Jinko!" you harshly whispered, making him stop in mid-step.

You sighed with relief when you found Raito holding the back of Jinko's shirt.

"Thank-you, Raito."

Said boy nodded, as Jinko stepped back.

"Phew! For a moment there I thought--"


Raito and Reina's eyes widened as Jinko stepped on another uneven tile that was hidden behind him. You didn't even have the time to face-palm when a tile in the wall suddenly moved up mechanically, revealing a spear. You swore it's tip shined in the room's light just to mock you.

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