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Group conversation between Darry, Macey, Steve, Two-bit and Dallas.
Darry: Guys you know what I said about watching your profanity yet every day you still cuss up a storm. Do you not have ears or a brain?
Dallas: Darry you know that Johnny and Ponyboy won't pick up anything from what we say why is it a problem.
Steve: I don't normally agree with Dallas, but he's right. We don't need to worry.
Macey: Why am I in this?
Darry: because yesterday you yelled BITCH MY BESTIE HAS A BOYFRIEND and idk profanityyyyyy
Two-bit: I don't even curse I just talk about beer and cake.
*Dallas has left the chat*
Darry: Why do I even bother
Macey: don't fuckin know
Steve: see this is why we can't have nice things

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