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Macey: Why can't fish speak under water?
Steve: If I stuck your head underwater could you speak?
Dallas: I could scream
Macey: you do that anyway 😏😏
Autumn: Macey stop talking to a mirror
Macey: I. AM. A. VIRGIN.
Dallas: I'm not
Steve: You're an ass
Johnny: Can asses laugh?
Soda: Dallas does all the time
Macey: Dayum
Darry: Cursing alternatives 🙄
Soda: Fuck fuck fuckity fucking fuck. There ya go big brother.
Dallas: Yasssssss
Macey: You're probably grounded now
Ponyboy: Yeah no shit
Darry: Sodapop Patrick Curtis
Dallas: Daryl Shayne Curtis
Steve: Dallas Tucker Winston
Johnny: Steven Daniel Randle
Pony: Johnathan Andrew Cade
Macey: Ponyboy Michael Curtis
Autumn: Macey Shayne Evans
Two-Bit: Autumn Grace Williamson
Soda: Can we stop this now?
Macey: I didn't know Johnny's middle name was Andrew
Autumn: I didn't know my middle name was Grace
Dallas: Macey probably came up with it last minute
Macey: Obviously
Steve: Can we remember the fact that Sodas grounded
Dallas: Darry didn't say that
Ponyboy: then why is he chasing Soda around for his phone
Johnny: good point
Macey: Remain yellow, horse kid..
Autumn: Damnit Macey
Steve: Keep the form of a yellow pigmentation, equestrian young offspring
Dallas: Small words, Stevey, Small words
Darry: Okay all of you go to sleep, and stay off my car!!!
Johnny: Nevaaaaaa
Macey: I'll just sleep INSIDE the car!!
Darry: You homeless troll
Autumn: My foot has a home up your ass
Two-bit: Profanity!!
Johnny: when do you care??
Darry: I may or may not have two phones....

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