Chapter 6

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Chantelle's POV

"How could you let her go like that?! You didn't even stop her!" I yelled at Jinxx.

"Let her see how hard it is out there." Jinxx said, taking Logan from me.

"She's only seventeen, she could get seriously hurt out there! You know I thought about it and I'm getting sick of you always siding with your best friend."

"You were blaming her too, you hypocrite."

"Because if I didn't say anything I'd have to hear your mouth too. That girl got pregnant at twelve and had no idea who the father was, Mallory has always been a troublemaker. Growing up, Mallory would cry and either Ava or Ebony would get in trouble. Why do you think Juliet and Andy didn't let those two hang out so much growing up because Mallory is a little shit starter."

"And where was I when this was happening?"

"Touring and drunk off your ass. You go and find our daughter and you fix this now."

I turned around on my heel and went upstairs to the bedroom. I sat down on the bed and clutched my stomach feeling a bit nauseous.

I don't know where that wave of sickness came from, maybe it was from the fight with Jinxx?

Sorry it's so short guys, just needed a filler.

The Mystic Family (Sequel to The Mystic's Daughter)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora