World War III

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And so, the war had started, not because humanity had wanted it, but because the machine had demanded it. Information started to pour in to us, even though the power was still mostly out across the country. The malfunctioning AI of the Electrowave had calculated that the world would be a better place without people in it. Well, maybe it was right.

The German government was frantically trying to restore power to the country. There was chaos nationwide, as shops were looted and riots erupted on the streets.


We were lucky that Alf had planned ahead. Thanks to his quick thinking, we could stay in our little studio with all our supplies and not have to come out. And soon, more information came in. On a quickly cobbled together crystal set radio we made from spare parts around the studio, we could hear the news from nearby areas. It seemed that some places had gotten their power restored, as radio broadcasts came in from areas on the outskirts of the country. As we had nothing better to do, most days the four of us sat around this one radio, listening to what was going on, but making sure it was quiet enough that no one outside could hear.


The news was very interesting. The American government apologised again and again for the attack, while at the same time trying to avoid any responsibility, emphasising the fact that the Electrowave had attacked of it's own accord, not under the orders of the US government. The Electrowave had been destroyed by the army, it was said, and this would never happen again. But few believed them, and for good reason.


While all the European countries were dismayed by the random attack on Germany, there was one country who absolutely would not put up with this sort of behaviour from the Americans. Switzerland. Switzerland didn't want to be the next target, and the Swiss President announced that if the European powers didn't work together to stop America then soon another European country would fall to the Electrowave. Switzerland's rhetoric grew more and more. There was only one way that this could end. With yet more war...


One day, the Swiss president revealed his country's biggest secret. At CERN, the scientists working there had finally completed their version of the Electrowave. Ironically, it musthave been the only electrical device to survive the attack.  And so, the European Electrowave was used on America.

"You reap what you sow," the Swiss president spoke into the microphone as he announced his country's attack on the United States.

This was now a real war... a world war. A nightmare war.

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