Ich bin nicht von dieser Welt

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The room had disappeared, and then everything went black. When we woke up, the Universum Room was gone, and we were in the middle of a grassy field. It was night time, and there were no other people around as we all stood up and looked around. And there we were, standing there, in a new world. But it didn't feel like it. In fact, this world looked pretty much the same as the old one. One the floor, the Universum Machine remote control was just sitting there, its beeping growing more and more quiet by the second. It looked like it had smashed a little on the journey.

We walked over to a nearby street, wondering where we were exactly. But there were no people about. I looked down at the slightly smashed remote control and pushed the button again. Suddenly, a hologram of Herr Brandt was projected onto the street.

"No, this machine won't work again, but nice try, Welle: Erdball. If you want an explanation about parallel universes, press the button again. If not, then don't press it. I'll understand."

But I was too shocked to do anything. It took Alf yelling at me to push the button again for me to do it. The hologram of Brandt smiled.

"I knew you'd do that. Ok, so there can be an infinite number of parallel universes, but, at time of this recording, there are only six that I personally been to. Counting the one that has just been created, there are now seven that I kmow of. And that's my lucky number. Now, for some other things. Don't make the same mistakes we did. Please remember that parallel universes are worth exactly the same as the 'original' universe. In fact, you may think that the universe you are from is the 'original', but that is not the case. It is a parallel universe that was created the first time that I built the machine. I can make a machine to visit a specific parallel universe, but there wasn't any time. So, the machine you guys used has created a new one. Unfortunately, because of this, I can't tell you anything about the new universe, but then you guys get all the fun of exploring and finding out for yourselves!"

Brandt's smile faded as a knock on the door was heard in the recording.

"I will try my best to join you guys," Herr Brandt said, "But the information on how to build an electrowave must be destroyed first. Good luck, guys."

And with that, the hologram faded. Leaving us with many, many questions. The universe was created when we used the machine? So what of the people here? Were their memories fabricated? Or did the entire history of the new parallel universe happen in that split second that we were travelling? If our home was also a parallel universe, then how much of what we remember has actually happened? Is there another Welle: Erdball somewhere, in some other universe? What about here? Is there another Welle: Erdball here? And why did Herr Brandt record that hologram? He must have known that we were the ones going to be using the machine. So how far in advance had this been planned? Who knocked on the door? There were questions, so many questions. But questions without answers are meaningless. As much as I hated to admit it, we had absolutely no idea exactly what had happened, or how any of it was possible. I guess we would just have to find out about this new world for ourselves.

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