Chapter 4

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Serena's POV

I wake up, and realize that my hair got cut and decided to change my outfit. I find cloth and sew it together. I try it on and find a mirror, I thought that I looked good so I went outside to  see what Clemont is making for breakfast.

I come out to see Miette and Ash talking at the table. I roll my eyes and sit down at the table.

Ash looks at me realizing I changed my outfit. He keeps staring, and I start to blush. Miette notices and kicks me making me yelp I pain.

Ash snaps out of his staring and asks if I was ok I blush and then say yea.
Then Miette tells me that she told Ash how she saved him. That she kissed him and knocked him out of his trance.

I feel like I could just throw Miette and never see her again but I hid it. Clemont exclaims BREAKFAST IS READY!

I eat my food as fast as I can and walk over to a near by river. I wished that my life was like flowing water nothing could get in its way.

I realize that Ash leaves for another region in a few more weeks, my chance is probably over now but I won't give up not till the end.

I hear someone walking towards me and I look back, Ash is walking towards me. He sits next to me and sighs. Then he asks why I came over here.

I say that there is no reason. I ask if he wants to go on a walk, and he says yes.
As I'm walking I find a flower, the flower has a legend behind it that if you an the person you admire find matching one that they will be together forever.

I pick it admiring it's pretty auburn color then put it in my pocket. We come to a stop and I lay down in the flower covered field.

Ash tells me that he is going to go over to the water. I tell him ok and he walks off.

Ash's POV
I walk to the water when I spot a ocean blue flower that holds a legend that if the person you admire find the same flower but different color that they will be together forever.

I put it in my pocket and then remember something from a long time ago. I was at professor Oak's summer camp after I saved a straw hat girl. Her and I became quick friends, I was with her when I found an ocean blue flower and she found an auburn colored flower. (It is the same flowers that they have now back to the story) I pluck the petals thinking in my head after every plucked petal she loves me she loves me not, as the straw hat girl does the same. We got down to our very last petal and we both said aloud He/She loves me.

I stop the flashback and go back to Serena. When I get to her I ask her again if something is wrong.

She shakes her head wile I know what is wrong and what is right. Miette lied. I say to Serena. H-how did you k-know?

I begin to blush and then I say My lips tasted like cherry when I woke up.

Serena started crying tears of joy as I said that. Se hugged me then pulled the flower out of her pocket and I did the same.

I start saying the phrase She loves me she loves me not until I get to my last petal.

I pull it saying she loves me and Serena does the same thing. The world seems to stop, I stare into her Ocean blue eyes that matched the petal and she does the same.

I lean in and our lips met, the taste of cherry yet again. At that moment I knew that Serena Yvonne is my forever partner.

Miette's POV
Oh Serena Yvonne, Ash is mine and you cannot take him away from me I thought.

Ash's POV
Serena and I walked back to camp hand in hand trying to make sure nobody notices.

We let go to have dinner, I eat 8 plates full of I actually don't know what I ate I just know it's good.

As everyone finishes dinner i go over to Miette to talk with her. Miette I have something to tell you. Miette responds batting her eyes and saying what is it.

I am not liking this relation ship thing and I am out of it so go choose someone else to carry your dresses for.

I walk away feeling weight being lifted off of my shoulders. I walk over to Serena and kiss her on the cheek. She does the same.

Serena's POV
I saw the whole thing he broke up with her. I felt like I had just won the title of Kalos Queen but happier.

The best day of my life was so far this day, not even winning the Ryhorn race against my mother can beat this.

Miette's POV
Serena Yvonne you will never see the day again.*pulls knife out of pocket*         
-Does evil laugh-

Serena's POV
Today's the day I will never forget, but the sun always sets on a good day. I should go to bed. As I walk into the tent I find Bonnie her arms spread out and her her legs as well. Oh great. I think.

Wait, I have an idea, I will go to Ash's tent. As I head to Ash's tent I hear something behind me. I look around and scream.

Then I had a sharp pain in my arm, I look at it and I see that someone had stabbed me and I had know idea what was going to happen next.

CLIFFHANGER, sorry had to do that.-_-😑😑 I will make a make a new chapter hopefully as fast a this one!! I am on spring break so I probably will make the chapters fast but I don't know. We'll see you in the next chapter!!

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