Chapter 6: Night of the full moon

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Preparing to fight the mysterious hunters, Argenis didn't know there was a full moon tonight. When he found out it was to late. He had gone on a date with his true love Rachel not knowing what will happened. The date went great as they shared some food then took a stroll around Lycan park; when all of a sudden the moon shined that's when Argenis was beginning to transform. He ran to get away from Rachel hiding in the bushes as he fully transformed, that's when he jumps outs the bushes and sees Rachel. She lets out a big scream in horror,the mysterious heard knowing it was going to be a full moon they ran to the scream.

The Wolf had let Rachel go only to get the attention of the mysterious hunters, knowing that he was about a great evil it let out a big roar to let them know it's going down. These Werewolf hunters carried shot guns filled with silver bullets, silver armor, and silver shot guns. Ten in all Argenis began to warm up to fight, he got surround by these hunters in a circle aiming this shotguns at him. He was getting weak that's when Argenis sliced one of the hunters with his werewolf paw, it was just a scratch but he knew if he could find the scratch on one of the towns people then he could find the hunters. 

The fight went all night tired Argenis jumped out of the circle and ran for his life as the hunters shot and missed him. He went back to the abandon house to cool off a bit and that's when he found a little girl, she looked just like him in everyway maybe she was his sister. It was a ghost helping him out so that he could become normal, as he was doing so Rachel was going in to the house. They met up again Argenis said he was hiding out at this house because he was scared of the wolf; she left the house mad and furious at him. Thats when Argenis went home to find his bestfriend Roel on the couch playing video games, and his mother washing the dishes. He went up stairs to cool off and rest just to get a goodnight sleep not knowing what has happened to him.

Will Argenis found out who the Hunters really are, is Rachel going to forgive Argenis for leaving her behind stay tune for the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2012 ⏰

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