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"And this is where we part, mademoiselle Ada." Gaston interrupted their comfortable silence with a sad smile, bending to kiss her hand again. "I do hope we see each other again, for your radiant beauty will haunt me."

"Aw, Gaston," Ada smiled, putting one hand to her heart, the other gripping the handle of the knife she kept in her skirt pocket. She took a step closer to him, forcing his back to just brush against the wall of a building while he smirked, oblivious to the fact that she was tying the strings of his cuffs together. Gaston probably didn't notice because Ada was cleverly running her hand up his arm, then resting it at the nape of his neck, and swiftly held the knife to his throat. His hazel eyes widened, shocked at the situation he was in. "I bet you say that to all the girls, huh?" Ada smirked. Gaston quickly calmed himself and then smirked right back,

"Couldn't handle possibly never seeing me again?" He asked in a husky voice, expecting a yes. Instead, Ada just laughed after a few seconds,

"Are you really that egotistical and narcissistic?" Gaston looked perplexed. "I can handle it plenty well, thanks. But you know, where I come from, we had a small bunch of men like you. Women fell to their feet, men admired them, and they stomped about the village like they owned the place. Would you like to hear how they all died?" Ada asked rather cheerfully.

"All?" Gaston stained to ask, now actually a little frightened by the girl.

"They decided to join us on one of our hunts, and then they were eaten by the wolves." Ada explained the accident, not including the fact that a lot of the hunting party barely managed to escape and many left injured...herself included. "So listen here, Gaston, I'm not a prize to be won, I'm a huntress. And while you aren't as bad as the other men were, you do like taking women for a day then leaving them the next. That is not the case with me, so don't think your charming tactics will work on me." Gaston took a moment then a small genuine smile crept onto his face, surprising Ada.

"I've never before met a huntress." He finally said, softly, and went on, "It seems you and I have a thing in common. I favor the plains in the east, lots of deer with the occasional cat."

"I hunt in the forest where there's a variety of animals." Ada said, forcing the smile to stay off of her face...but her curiosity got the best of her, "Have you ever been in the mountains?"

"I've never even thought to look there, quite honestly." Gaston replied after thinking about the question for a moment.

"Gaston!" The two turned their heads to see a slightly chubby man who was a head shorter than Gaston but with a comedic demeanor. Currently, he wore a fearful expression on his face.

"Oh never fear, LeFou, just two hunters conversing over territory." Gaston explained to his best friend with a small smile, then looked back at Ada. "Now if you could please release me from our lesson on respect, I'd be most grateful." Ada hesitated then complied, removing the knife from his throat and undoing the knot around his wrists. "Thank you." Gaston nodded at Ada who rolled her eyes as he brushed past to leave with LeFou. They both started walking, Gaston one way and Ada another, until he turned and quickened his pace to catch up to her, "Ada!" She turned, surprised he came back.

"What?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest and not meeting him in the eye. Gaston smiled softly at her,

"Not to worry there, love, I won't mess with you. You're right, you're not a prize to be won. But I'd like a chance to continue talking about hunting with you, so, as your friend, I'd like to see you again tonight at the tavern." Gaston said and Ada looked up, the two smiling at each other until LeFou coughed, breaking the moment. After looking at LeFou, Gaston looked back at Ada, almost longingly, and then left with LeFou. Ada shook her head and was then on her way, back to walk the streets of the village. While walking, Ada heard a familiar voice calling out, begging for money... She took a turn down the street and saw her mum begging on the corner, Bailey chasing after her tail a few feet away. Ada laughed and caught the eye of her mum, both sharing a wink.

The Huntress || GastonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora