He's Back

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It had been a long day for Gaston, he couldn't even get a drink without someone sending him a look or yelling about the monster he was. He was even jumped twice, taking his jacket, ruining his luscious locks, hitting him, kicking him, and all kinds of hurting him. Gaston didn't fight back. He now understood how the Beast-sorry, the Prince-felt when he wouldn't fight Gaston back. When the girl you love leaves with your love, life just doesn't seem worth it anymore, especially when you're hated and misunderstood. An idea struck the depressed man and he went for his horse, quickly going for a ride and about the leave when he was pulled from his horse and fell to the cold, hard street. A group of men shot his horse before his very eyes, laughing cruelly as they walked off, and left Gaston in more pain than he'd ever known.

It took an entire day, but he finally found Ada's cottage and collapsed at the door, taking in big heaps of air before realizing there was no one inside. He feared the worst, maybe she went back to where she was accepted as a huntress... His fears vanished when he saw Bandit in the stable, making a home for a dog and a young deer. Exhausted and aching but somewhat relieved, Gaston took a seat against the wall opposite of Bandit and sat, resting his head against the wall. He opened his tired eyes to see Bandit giving him a look of disappointment...he never knew he could feel so guilty of his actions due to a horse. But it didn't surprise him too much, Bandit and Ada were thick as thieves and close as horse and rider could get. While thinking about the huntress, Gaston slowly let himself fall asleep...

Ada rode on Juliet, fast as the wind and one with the skies as the two chased rapidly after a cougar. The cat gave her a look, challenging her to keep up as it accelerated...so Ada did, too. It was a literally game of cat and mouse until the cougar ran up to the mountains, giving her one last look. "Come on, Juliet. Bailey, Bandit, and Philip are probably worried." So they rode back at a steady canter, arriving just before high noon and entering the stables. Bandit snorted, getting Ada's attention after she ran a brush through Juliet's mane, and she gasped at who she saw. "How long has he been here, boy?" She asked Bandit softly, not really expecting an answer. Gaston looked worse than when she saw him just two days ago, with more injuries and less clothes... After a moment's hesitation, she ran off to the house to grab supplies then came back, setting the stuff down to begin cleaning his wounds and tending to his injuries.

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