Still confused

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I opened my eyes and squinted at the sun, I was outside laying in the field.
I had decided to skip Homeroom I didn't want to see Yoongi, I am still pretty confused, whether he liked Taehyung.
I was pretty sure he liked Taehyung why else would he get mad like that.
The lunch bell rang. Should I stay or should I go to lunch?  I felt my phone ring.
"Jiminie where are you? You ran away from me and then didn't come to homeroom. Yoongi hyung came back but you didn't "
"Sorry Taehyung I am out in the field I was just really tired and didn't feel like going to class"
"Alright, I'll go over there see you in a bit." he hung up.
A few minutes later I heard footsteps and they sounded like more than one set of footsteps, I sat up and saw all the guys coming, except for Yoongi.
Good I did not want to see him.
"JIMIN! Are you ok?" Jungkook ran for me and sat next to me. He looking me up and down to see if anything was wrong. "You have the same expression Yoongi hyung does. Are both of you guys sick?"
"Ahhh, Jiminie you are sick? How dare you hold my hand while you are sick."
"I am not sick Taehyung, I am just tired." Jungkook stood up.
"What do you mean you held hands?"
Taehyung smiled "Yeah me and Jimin held hands but it was just a little while because then Yoongi got there and then Jimin ran after him."
"Why you did you run after Yoongi hyung, he had told me he was going to the restroom then he came back with a mad expression, then taehyung got there but you never showed up."
I looked at Jungkook opened my mouth, but nothing came out.
Seokjin sat next to me "Guys I need to talk to Jimin in private, can you give us a minute?" the guys nodded and walked off, Namjoon remained a little longer not sure why Seokjin wanted to talk to me in private but in the end left.
"Jimin... What is going on between you and Yoongi? I am really confused I have never seen Yoongi act like that, he seems so worked up. He seemed to be upset and you skipped class I want to know what is going on, so if you could please tell me that would be great."
Seokjin is so nice, how could I not tell him, he was my mother like friend.
"Honestly I don't know what is going on. It just started as Yoongi hating me and I hated him back for not liking me without reason may I add. But he started being a little nice and talking to me. Then I was just confused by the way he acted I would be with either Taehyung or Jungkook and he would look at me like I was his worst enemy and then I thought it was because he didn't like the fact they hanged out with me since he hated me, but then I came to the conclusion that he liked Taehyung..."
Today in the morning I got to class early and saw Jungkook and Yoongi together and it made me a little mad for some reason so I asked where Taehyung was and they told me he was in the restroom so I left and went to look for him. Then I found him and we left but he held my hand and when we got to the door Yoongi was there looking at us then he just ran off I chased after him to explain that we had nothing going on because I though he liked Taehyung but he told me he didn't and honestly Seokjin..... I am really confused and don't know what to do."
Wow I had said a lot but I had been wanting to tell someone to get it off my chest thank God Seokjin asked because if he hadn't I would have exploded.
He stared at me for a while, "Well I don't know what to tell you? You guys have a weird relationship, but what I can tell you is that Yoongi doesn't like Jungkook or Taehyung he just cares for him, he trust him a lot but he doesn't like him like that, you should try talking to him and set things straight because I am sure you have many questions and he has many questions too."
"But he isn't going to want to talk to me not after today, I mean he never liked me."
"Why are you so sure of that maybe he was just putting on an act. Well I'll let you think for a while, think about what I told you. No one likes the tension between the two off you." He got up and walked over to the guy they turned to look at me and then left, well except for Taehyung who ran at me.
"Jiminie, I don't like seeing you sad please be happy." He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek "I worry about you" and with that he left.
I felt my cheeks turn red. UGH! I don't even know my own feelings.
Why does Taehyung make me feel like this?
Why does Yoongi make me feel like that?

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